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*2 Years Later*

~•Arial's POV•~

It's been a good two years for the boys and their music. For El and Louis, Harry and Carmen, and even Zayn and I, our relationships are all stronger than ever.

Today two years ago Carmen and I took our trip to London where both our lives changed. . . for the better of course. I remember the day like it was yesterday.


I walked around London for a little bit, I went to see Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and a few other 'tourist sites'. I decided to take a seat on one of the ledges of a gorgeous fountain. There was a good view of the streets and everyone that was walking around.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a large commotion. I turned my head to see that there was a large group of screaming girls around. . . omgosh no way! It was One Direction! If it wasn't for the large amount of girls surrounding them I probably would've gone up to say hi, instead I stayed where I was and continued to read my book.

I was in the middle of reading when all of a sudden a large amount of shade covered me. I looked up to see none other than Zayn Malik.

"Uhm. . . Hello?" I say trying to act normal.

"Hi" He said with a smile.

"Can I help you?"

"Actually you can, how come you didn't run over and mob us like all the other screaming girls down there?" He questioned.

"I didn't for two reasons, one I'm not crazy and two I didn't feel like getting stuck in a crowd. . . I'm claustrophobic"

"Oooohh, well that makes sense the I guess" he said as he gave a little chuckle.

"So why are you guys back in London anyway? I thought you were on tour in America?"

"We are but we're on a two week break so we all decided to fly over here for the break"

"Oh okay, so are there any specific places in London you recommend seeing?" I asked

"I knew that accent wasn't from around here, where are you from?"

"My family lives in Ireland but I moved to America for college last fall" I answered as I checked my phone for the time.

"Ah so your accent has been around a bit" Zayn stated, more to himself it seems though.

"Yeah it has but only a little. . . well I must be going I only have about an hour to get we're I need to be."

"Wait I didn't get to ask you, what are you doing in London if your family is in Ireland and college in the states?" He questioned.

"I'm here visiting my aunt which is who I'm going to meet right now and it's a 45 min taxi ride from here to there"

"We'll here let me call you a cab then" he said with a smile, I watched him as he dialed the number and spoke through the phone, he was so perfect. "Okay a cab is on its way"

"Thank you so much" I said with a smile as the cab pulled up.

"Oh wait I have one more question!" He said quickly as I was getting into the fab, I stopped halfway in.

"Yeah?" I said questioningly.

"Can I have your number? You're really cool and I'd like to talk to you some more" he said with a smirk.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now