Chapter One

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     Today started off like any other day on vacation. I walk out of my hotel room with my key and phone in hand and decide that today is going to be a site seeing day, nothing more and nothing less.
     I walk around London for a little bit and photograph everything from Big Ben to Buckingham Palace and a few of the other "tourist sites." I decide to rest and take a seat on one of the ledges of a gorgeous fountain. There is a good view of the streets and everyone that is walking around.
     Out of the corner of my eye I notice a large commotion. I turn my head slightly to see that there is a large group of screaming girls can't be but it is. It's One Direction! If it weren't for the large amount of girls surrounding them I probably would go up to say hi, instead I stay where I an and continue to read my book.
     I'm in the middle of reading when all of a sudden a large amount of shade covers me. I look up to see none other than Zayn Malik standing in front of me.
     "Uhm. . . Hello?" I say trying to act as normal as possible.
     "Hi" He responds with a smile.
     "Can I help you?" I ask, not trying to be impolite. I'm only curious as to why someone like him would approach someone like me.
     "Actually you can. How come you didn't run over and mob us the way all the other screaming girls down there did?" He questions before adding with a slight smile, "I saw you looking."
     "I have two pretty good reasons why. One I'm not crazy and I don't want you guys to think I am and two I didn't really feel like getting stuck in a crowd...I'm a bit claustrophobic." I chuckle a little at that last part. Who is pathetic enough to feel claustrophobic when you're outside? Well me apparently.
     "Oooohh, that makes a lot of sense." He says as he gives a little chuckle. I smile but only a little at that.
     "So why are you guys back in London anyway? I thought you were on tour in America?" I ask curiously, only trying to start a conversation.
     "We are but we're on a two week break so we all decided to fly over here for the break, spend it with family and such." He explains and I nod.   It must be hard to not see your family for months on end.
     "Oh okay, so are there any specific places in London you recommend seeing?" I ask having lost all my ideas of what to do after seeing the major sites.
     "I knew that accent wasn't from around here, where are you from?" He asks quizzically and I hesitate before realizing: he's famous, it's not like he's a serial killer or anything of that nature.
     "My family lives in Ireland but I moved to America for college last fall." I answer as I check my phone for the time. I don't need to be back to the hotel for a short while but I like to plan ahead.
     "Ah so your accent has been around a bit." Zayn states, more to himself it seems though. It sounded a little muffled from where I'm sitting.
     "Yeah it has but only a little...well I must be going I only have about an hour to get we're I need to be." I say as I stand up and close my book. I pack it into my bag and turn back to face Zayn, who looks slightly disappointed.
     "Wait I didn't get to ask you, what are you doing in London if your family is in Ireland and college in the states?" He questions and I don't have to think all that much before answering him back.
     "I'm here visiting my aunt, which is who I'm going to meet right now and it's a 45 min taxi ride from here to there." I inform him and he nods with understanding.
     "Well here at least let me call you a taxi then." He says with a smile. I watch him as he dials the number and speaks through the phone, he's so perfect. My train of thought is interrupted when he speaks again, "Okay a cab is on its way."
     "Thank you so much." I tell him with a smile as a taxi pulls up to the curbside a few feet away.
     "Oh wait! I have one more question." He spits out quickly as I'm getting into the taxi. I stop about halfway in.
     "Yes?" I ask questioningly and Zayn smiles slightly when he notices I've stopped.
     "Can I have your number? You're really cool and I'd like to talk to you some more." He replies with what appears to be a smirk.
     "Yeah, of course." I answer as he gives me his phone to put my number into it.
     "Thanks" he smiles as I give him his iPhone back and get into the taxi. As the taxi driver leaves the curbside I turn around to see Zayn waving at me so I wave back, signaling goodbye.


     Wow, she is one pretty girl and she's so nice! She probably already has a boyfriend though. Most girls like her always have a boyfriend but I have her number so I guess I'll find out when I ask her to join me for lunch tomorrow. I'm almost sure she hasn't been to Nando's yet.
     I decide to shoot her a text just so that she can save my number. Me: hey it's Zayn :)
     It's not long before she replies back. Granted she's probably still in the taxi so she doesn't have much to do to prevent her from replying. Arial: Oh hey, what's up?
     I decide to just ask her flat out if she wants to hang out with me. Beating around the bush and sugar coating things just takes too long to accomplish anything. Me: I just wanted to know if maybe you would want to go out for a bite to eat for lunch tomorrow?
     I really hope she agrees. I enjoyed talking with her, she seems so down to earth and friendly. Arial: Yea that sounds fun! :)
     I quickly reply back and give her a time to be ready by, hoping it doesn't interfere with whatever else she has planned for tomorrow. Me: Cool I'll pick you up at say 12:30?
     My phone buzzes in my hand and I already know it's from her. Arial: I'll try to be ready :)
     I laugh at her statement and decide to reassure her that it's no big deal. Me: Don't rush and you can wear anything, the place we're going to is a casual restaurant.
     Her last reply I don't respond to, there's not much one can say to it. Arial: Okay :)
     Awesome! Tomorrow will hopefully be a good day. I want to learn more about Ariel, she intrigues me.
     "Hey Zayn! What are you doing over here?" A thick Irish accent asks from behind me. I already know that it's the friendly blond after living on tour with him for so long.
     "Oh nothing Niall...I thought I saw something." I respond before putting my phone in my pocket and going back to hang out with the lads and our fans.


     I hope he doesn't want to date me...I already have a boyfriend but Zayn is so sweet. Jeremy on the other hand well...he's a good guy, with good intentions.
     "Hey Carmen!" I say as I walk into the hotel room. I see her laying all over the couch being her same ol' goofy self.
     "Oh hey! Did you have a good time sight seeing?" Carmen asks. Carmen is my best friend and she wanted to come with me to visit my aunt in London for the summer so I agreed. She's a great travel buddy. Carmen is my height so roughly average height. She has brown hair and brown eyes, an extremely stubborn personality but she loves to be funny and weird, and she can be sarcastic at times. I'm just a shy, timid girl so her and I are practically opposites. Also considering I'm blonde and I have blue eyes that makes us physically different as well.
     "I did and you'll never guess who I met today, you're gonna freak." I tell her. I only say that she'll freak because she is in love with One Direction.
     "Uhm I don't know who?" She asks as she sits up quickly in the couch.
     "Zayn Malik from One Direction! We talked for a little bit and he's taking me out for lunch tomorrow he said he likes talking to me and wanted to get to know me more!" I tell her excitedly and she jumps up off the couch. Running to me I brace myself for impact.
     "Ahhhh OMG no way, no way, no way!!" She exclaims almost hyperventilating. I shush her a bit so that we don't get a noise complaint from other people staying in the hotel.
     "Yes way!!" I confirm and she goes into a small freak out. The rest of my evening is spent giving Carmen every single detail of my encounter with Zayn.


Hey check out the trailer for this story to the right!! I'm currently editing this story. I will send out messages as I finish editing each chapter. That way if you are reading this story you can come back and read what I added. If this is your first time reading it please bare with me! There's so much grammar that needs to be fixed and I cringe at how I wrote some of this story so I will be fixing it.

Thank you to everyone that has stuck with me this far. I've had this story up for 2 years and that's too long to wait to edit. I love you Neoners!!
-Alice xx

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें