Chapter Nineteen

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~•Arial's POV•~

We boarded the plane first because the boys decided to get us all first class tickets. The seats are very comfortable too.

I'm sitting next to the window on my left and Zayn on my right. Harry and Carmen are in the seats in front of us. Eleanor and Louis are across the aisle from us. Liam and Niall are sitting in the seats behind us.

I turned around in my seat to look at Niall. He looked up from his food and I smiled.

"You know that everyone is going to want you McDonald's because you're making the plane smell like it?" I told him. He was on his last bag of food and chowing it down fast.

"Well they won't get any because its all going in my stomach" he answered still eating.

"Oh okay" I said as I nodded my head and turned to sit back down in my seat.

Zayn put his arm around me and rested my head on his shoulder. I was still scared Jeremy would find me even though I'll be halfway around the world.

"Don't worry, with me to protect you, Jeremy will never find you" Zayn spoke as if he read my mind.

"Promise?" I asked as I looked him in the eyes.

"Promise" he smiled "And even if by some chance he did find you, I would make sure he never hurt you"

I smiled at him as I laid my head back on his shoulder. In a few minutes time I had fallen asleep.


I woke up and the plane was still moving which meant that we still haven't landed yet. I lifted my head to see Zayn was talking to Louis from across the aisle.

Zayn noticed I was awake, but I was still tired and I'm sure he noticed that too.

"Hey babe, sleep well?" he smiled. I yawned as I nodded my head slightly.

"Still tired?" he asked, I nodded my head again.

"Mot up for talking right now?" he laughed a little. I nodded for a third time.

Both Louis and Zayn were lightly laughing and my sleepy state. I decided to speak up to get them to stop their laughing.

"How much longer until we land?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Uhm about two hours" Louis answered. I just shook my head.

Eleanor looked up from the book she was reading and smiled at me.

"Bey Zayn do you mind switching seats for a little while? I want to talk to Arial" she smiled.

"Yea no problem" he said as he stood up, his seat belt was already unbuckled.

The two switched seats and El turned to me.

"So you get to move in with Zayn, huh?" she said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Yea he thinks I'll be safer living with him" I answered.

"Well what happens after their two week break and they have to leave for tour in Australia and New Zealand?" she asked.

"I guess I'll stay at Zayn's place and visit you and Carmen frequently?" I said more as a question rather than a statement.

"Looks like you're gonna have to" she smiled "First order of business when we first get back is to take you shopping for a new wardrobe, you don't have enough clothes for being a pop stars girlfriend" Eleanor giggled.

"Sounds like a really good plan to me, only one problem, I don't have any money" I said.

"Don't worry Zayn and the lads will pitch in" she told me.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now