Chapter Twenty-One

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~•Zayn's POV•~

This morning I got up early and went over to Niall's flat. I let myself in because Niall was most likely to busy eating to hear me knock. We all had a set of keys to eat other's flats for instances like this.

"Hey Zayn, What's up?" Niall said when he saw me walk into the kitchen.

"I want to plan a special date for Arial and I need yours and the lads help with it" I told him.

Niall jumped up immediately and came over to me.

"That sounds like fun! Of course I'll help you" he said "After I finish my food of course".

I laughed as I nodded my head, "Okay I'm gonna go talk to Louis, Harry, and Liam"

"Alright mate I'll be here if you need me" he smiled. I just shook my head as I walked out of his flat and went to the lift. I decided to go to Liam's flat first and then he could come with me up to Louis' and Harry's flat.

The lift opened on Liam's floor so I got out and walked to his flat.

~•Arial's POV•~

I woke up to an empty bed, Zayn must already be up. I climbed out of bed and put my new bathrobe on. I walked to the door and opened it and walked over to the kitchen.

There was a note on the counter in his hand writing that read:

Went over to Niall's flat and didn't want to wake you, come find me after you eat breakfast :)

Love Zayn

Well it's sweet that he left me a note, I thought. I went to the cabinet and pulled out a box of cereal and then I went and got a bowl and spoon. I poured the cereal and put the box away and pulled out the milk and poured it as well.

I ate the cereal in quiet and when I was finished I cleaned the bowl in the sink. As I was cleaning it I began to think. So this is what it's going to be like without Zayn here when they're finishing up the tour?

It's so lonely, I mean I have Carmen and Eleanor two floors above me in their flat (I've decided if I'm going to live on London I need to start speaking it too) but its not going to be the same.

I went back to my room and picked out some clothes and went into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and let the bathroom steam up like I always do. I stripped my clothes off and stepped underneath the steaming hot water.

It felt good and the water warmed me up too. I put shampoo in my hair and made sure it got nice and clean. I washed my body with some shower gel and then rinsed off.

I grabbed my towel and dried myself then wrapped it around myself and stepped out of the shower. I put my clothes on and left my hair wrapped in the towel. I decided to do my make up the way I did it the other way. I liked it and it was starting to grow on me.

After my make up was done I let my hair out of the towel and took my new hair dryer to dry it. I didn't feel like straightening my hair so I just left it in its natural waves that fell past my shoulders and down my back.

I grabbed my iPhone and my keys to the flat and walked out the door. I made sure that I locked it before I walked down the hall and used the key the lads gave me to open up Niall's door to his flat.

Everyone gave me and Carmen a key to their flat that way we would never be locked out and we wouldn't have to knock. I think it's very convenient that they decided to do things that way.

"Niall?" I shouted through his flat as I closed the door.

"Yea! I'm in here" I heard his voice come from the kitchen.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now