Chapter Seven

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~•Zayn's POV•~

She's been asleep for two days now. For two days she's been in a hospital bed, just laying there.

Hooked up to beeping machines that tell you a bunch of different things. All I know from those machines is that she's still alive.

Somewhere in there is the Arial that I've come to know. The Arial I met in London three weeks ago. . . I'm going to get her back.

Our concerts are in Pennsylvania so I drive here immediately after them when we finish.

"Hey" I heard a voice say from the door. I turned to see Carmen standing with two cups of coffee.

"Hey" I said with surprise in my voice.

"I thought you would be here. . . I brought you some coffee" she said.

"Uhm thank you" Carmen has been nice and caring since Arial has been here.

"Has anything happened?" she asked hopefully.

"No but they're going to do a ct scan of her brain to see if there's anything wrong" I said as I looked in the direction of Arial's sleeping body.

"Oh. Great." she said unenthusiasticly. I knew that she was just missing her best friend and wanted her back.

"Heyyy hang in there, she'll wake up" I said trying to comfort her.

"Yeah she better" she chuckled.

"Okay we're going to take Arial down to the ct scan room. It's ready for her" A nurse said as she walked in to wheel Arial's bed out. "You're welcome to come down if you'd like" she added.

We both nodded and got up to walk down to the ct room with Arial lying motion less on the hospital bed.

"So what will these scans tell us?" Carmen asked.

"They'll show her brain activity and if there was any trauma to her head that could've caused her to go into this coma-like state" the nurse answered as we walked into a room "Do you mind helping me put her on the table?"

"No not at all" I said as I went to the bedside and picked up her limp body and placed her on the flat bed for the scan.

We walked out of the room and closed the door after the nurse had situated Arial on the bed.

"If you'll just follow me please I'll show you where to go" the nurse smiled at us.

We walked into another room where there were a bunch of computer screens set up and some chairs.

"You can sit right here to watch what's going on in the scan" the nurse said as she motioned to the chairs.

We took our seats as the technicians came in to do the scan. They introduced themselves but I don't remember their names. They did say however that the scan should only take about 15-20 minutes.

When the scan was completed they told us that the doctor would look at them right away and get back to us.

We then walked with the same nurse that brought Arial down back up to her room and the nurse left.

"It's getting a bit late and I would love to stay with Arial but I have rehearsals bright and early tomorrow in Pennsylvania." I told Carmen.

"Go, I'll call you when I know something and if anything happens" she said sympathetically.

We exchanged numbers and I left. This whole time I've just been feeling out of it. I'm never letting Jeremy get near her again!

~•Carmen's POV•~

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now