Chapter Twelve

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~•Arial's POV•~

I sat in my bed for a few hours, it was late. Somewhere around 11:30pm but the lads and Eleanor were still up and hanging out in the lounge.

I kept replaying what happened over and over in my head. How could I be so stupid to think that Zayn and I could actually be a thing? I'm not good enough for him.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard feet shuffling down the corridor and then a few doors close. The only door I didn't hear shut was the one across from mine, Zayn's.

I heard his door open but it didn't close. Just then I heard a very faint knock on the door. I didn't answer hoping that I wouldn't have to face him right now but I was wrong.

I saw the door open a bit and he slipped through the door.

"You coming over?" he asked with a shy smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, usually you're already in my bed asleep by the time I get there but you weren't in there just now" he paused as he sat on the edge of my bed "I know you can't sleep by yourself Arial, you've tried it numerous times and failed. . . remember?"

"Yea" I said as I looked down,my hands all of a suddenly becoming very interesting" I remember but after what happened earlier I didn't know if you wanted me over there"

"What you mean when we were in here? That was an accident Arial, I shouldn't have done that knowing that you're still having troubles with trust and getting over you last relationship. . . Arial it was my fault" Zayn spoke as he put his fingers under my chin and lift my head so I was looking at him and not my hands.

"But I just thought that I made you feel bad or made you hate me because of it" I said.

"I could never hate you Arial" he smiled "Is that why you didn't come out for dinner?"

"Yea it was" I answered.

"When you're ready, well see what happens between us but for now I'm here as your friend. . . and your pillow" he chuckled.

"Deal" I smiled "I'm going to go and get a snack and then I'll go to bed, I'm a little hungry"

"Okay, I'm going to go lay down, don't worry about waking me" he said as he walked out of my room and over to his. I heard his door shut and got up from my bed.

I changed into my pj's and then walked over to the kitchen and got some food.

I sat at the table it the kitchen area for a little while. Munching on some crackers and tea.

I'm glad that Zayn is okay with what happened earlier. I don't know what I would've done if he wasn't.

Figuring I've wasted enough time sitting and munching I put the rest of the crackers away and my empty cup in the sink.

I walked down the hallway to the end and opened Zayn's door. His light was in and he was sitting in his bed with his laptop in his lap.

"Hey watchya doin?" I asked as I went over and sat next to him on his bed.

"Oh nothing" he said as he quickly closed his laptop.

"You know you can tell me right?" I said to him. He just sighed and looked at me.

"Have you been on twitter recently?" he asked me.

"No, I don't have one, Jeremy broke my laptop before I ever made one and then I never had a chance to" I answered.

"Good, don't make one" he said.


"Because it's for your own good" he said as he laid down and turned out the light.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now