Chapter Seventeen

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~•Arial's POV•~

I ran as far down the street as I could. I remember the exact way back to the hotel everyone was at. I was six blocks from the hotel right now an I'm really tired. Not to mention starving! I didn't get to eat anything for dinner.

I stopped next to a little shopping mart and decided to go in. I called Zayn.

"Arial?!" he said, he sounded a little worried.

"I'm okay, I'm about six blocks from the hotel but I ran most of the way. I'm really tired. I'll be there in about 15 more minutes" I said "I think"

"Do you need me to come get you? I can come get you" I said hopefully.

"No I'm okay I just had to take a little break, I'll be fine I promise" I said.

"Okay, bye babe, I'll see you in a little while" he said.

"Okay, bye" I said into the phone.

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I was walking down one of the aisles when I heard the door open and close again. I peaked around the corner and Jeremy was on the other side of the store!

He was here! How did he find me so fast?

I watched him as he turned a corner and went out of sight. I felt like I was playing cat and mouse.

Jeremy was the cat and I'm the mouse. I didn't like this game one bit.

I carefully made my way to the exit. I kept my eye out for Jeremy and I didn't see him which meant he didn't see me.

Once I was close enough I ran out the exit and kept running down the street. I thought it was going to take me about 20 more minutes to get to the hotel.

It was already 2:47am and I was running low in energy. I kept taking alleyways and back routes hoping to hide from Jeremy. Sadly that's what made this journey take longer.

This time I ran straight down the sidewalk until I made it to the hotel. By the time I got there it was 3:15am. It took me longer than I thought.

I walked to the side if the building still watching for Jeremy's car. I decided to text Zayn seeing as it was more quiet than talking.

Me: I'm outside the hotel to the left of the entrance if you're looking out, please hurry! I'm scared.

I sent him the text and not even a second later I got a reply.

Zayn: Why are you scared?!

The answer to that question was a no brainer. I quickly typed on my keypad and hit send.

Me: Jeremy woke up after I snuck out and he's trying to track me! please hurry! I want to be safe with you and the others and having Paul guard our floor!!

I was truly scared. I kept watch from behind a trash can. I saw a figure walk around the corner of the building and down the alley in my direction.

"Arial?" came the whispered voice that I knew all to well. I stood up from my hiding spot and ran to him.

Zayn wrapped me in his arms and whispered into my hair "I'm so glad you're okay!"

Sadly though, I wasn't, I knew I had at least one broken rib from when Jeremy kicked me in the stomach but right now I was ignoring the pain.

"Me too, can we go inside now before he finds us?" I asked still semi scared.

"Yea, come on" he said as he slipped his hand into mine.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now