Chapter Six

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~•Arial's POV•~

I've stayed with the boys do the week that they were here like I promised but the while time they just tried to convince me to leave Jeremy.

No matter how many times I try to tell them I can't I don't think they're going to listen.

"Please don't go back there Arial, come with us or go stay with your parents" Zayn begged me.

"I can't Zayn, I have to go back to Jeremy before he gets even more angry than he already is" I said a little bit scared.

"I don't want him to hurt you again!" he said excitedly.

"I know" I looked down at my flip flops "I have to go now"

"Promise me if you need anything, anything at all, that you'll call me again. Just like you did the other night" he sounded so sincere.

"I promise" I said as I looked up to him. I know that he could love me more than this. More that what Jeremy can but I'm afraid to leave Jeremy in fear of what he can do.

I gave all the lads hugs goodbye then called Carmen on my walk home.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey Car, okay I'm going to get straight to the point" I said.

"Okay shoot" She said.

"Well when we got back Jeremy hit me because one he was drunk and two because I came home later than I said I would. So when he fell asleep around 1am I called Zayn" I paused to see if she had a reaction all she said was 'go on'.

"They boys were staying in a hotel about ten blocks from my apartment he came and picked me up, they wouldn't let me leave until they had to leave New York which was today"

"So you're saying you were gone from Jeremy for a week!" she exclaimed. I knew what she was thinking, exactly what I was. I'm as good as dead when I get back to my apartment because Jeremy didn't know where I was.

"Yea I know, that's why I called you, the minute I text you SOS when I'm back at my apartment I need you to get help" I said nervously.

"Help? who?" she asked knowing I don't want the police involved but this time I just might have to.

"The police first and then call Zayn, I promised him if I needed anything I would call him" I informed her.

"Okay I can do that, I hope it's not as bad as we're thinking Arial" Carmen said, I could tell she was scared for me.

"Yea me too, I'm at the entrance to my building. . . Stay by your phone!!" I emphasized the last part.

"I wouldn't dream of leaving it with you in this situation" she answered.

"Thank you Carmen" I paused "You're a great best friend" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

We hung up and I knew that this could kill me. I knew that with the drunken rage Jeremy was in I might not survive this one.

I made my way to my apartment. When I went to open the door, the text already ready to send, the door flew open with a more than pissed off Jeremy standing in front of my. I pushed send, I knew this was going to be bad.

~•Carmen's POV•~

After Arial and I hung up I started to freak out. Harry and I continued to talk after we got off the plane that day. I decided to text him. I only had his number I didn't have Zayn's. He called me.

"Hello? Carmen?" Harry asked frantically.

"Yea it's me" I said still scared.

"What do you mean Arial might be in trouble?" he was still worried.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now