Chapter Nine

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~•Arial's POV•~

When I woke up I felt my bed shifting. I was a little disoriented and I almost started freaking out. That is until I looked out the window and remembered I was on tour and safe with the lads.

We were turning into a parking lot. It looked like a radio station building which meant that the guys had a radio interview.

I got dressed and pulled my letter out of my bag and placed it on the table by my bed so I wouldn't forget to mail it Jeremy later.

I walked out of the room and was greeted by five very much awake boys.

"Uhm hey. . . guys?" I said "Your squeezing my ribs, can't breathe" I spoke.

They all let go of me and then Zayn spoke "So did you sleep well?"

"Yea actually I did" I answered as Gary placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and French toast in front of me.

"Well that's good, now eat before Niall gets to it" Harry joked.

"It's because I'm Irish isn't it?" he spoke as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Nooooo" I said through mouthfuls of French toast.

"Yes it is" he said back as he stuck his tongue out and stole Harry's piece of bacon and quickly shoved it in his mouth.

"Okayyy well anyway" Liam spoke up "The lads and I have a radio interview so you're welcome to stay hidden away in here from the fans, feel free to do what you want"

"Yea, hey I have an idea, you can use my laptop to Skype with Carmen" Zayn offered me.

"Yea thanks! That sounds like a great idea" I said happily.

I finished eating as we all made small talk and then it was time for the boys to leave. They said their goodbyes for now and then left the bus.

I was alone and I couldn't help but think back to Jeremy, I can't wait to leave his sorry arse but I know he can track me. I just hope that Carmen doesn't get hurt if he decides to find her.

I looked out the tour bus window and noticed a mail drop off box where I could put my letter. The coast was clear of fans so I decided to walk over there.

I put my black converse on and left the bus letting the driver know where I was going so he could watch for me and let me back in.

I put the letter in the box and made it back to the bus. The driver let me in and I went straight to my room stopping to get Zayn's laptop from his room.

"Hey" Carmen said right as she answered my Skype call.

"Hello" I smiled.

"So how's life in tour?" she questioned me.

"Pretty good actually, they're at a radio interview now and they are all really fun to be around" I told her.

"Well that's good. . . I miss you" she pouted.

"I miss you too" I pouted back "Oh by the way, I mailed my break up letter to Jeremy today" I informed her.

"You did! That's great!" she said excitedly.

"Yea it is but Car promise me you'll be careful. Watch your back? You know that he's dangerous and I don't know what I would do if he hurt you. The lads and I aren't there to protect you so please. . . be careful okay?" I told her.

"I promise I will" she smiled. I knew she liked it when I cared about her. She's my best friend, why wouldn't I care?

We got off of Skype and I decided to make myself some lunch. I didn't know how long this interview was going to take them but they've been in there for a while.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now