Chapter Twenty

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~•Arial's POV•~

I woke up the next morning laying on something. Well more like someone.

Zayn and I had fallen asleep on the couch last night while we were watching movies. I didn't mind though, I think it was a perfect first day back in England.

I got up quietly making sure I didn't wake Zayn. I went into the guest room, well I guess it's my room now. I went into my room and changed into some new clothes and put of the ones I was wearing yesterday.

After I was finished getting changed I walked into the kitchen. I think I'll make Zayn some breakfast.

I pulled out the eggs, bacon, and bread. I decided I am going to make him French toast with bacon and eggs.

I put some bacon on a paper towel on a plate and put it in the microwave. I got out two pans. One to cook the eggs in and one to cook the French toast in.

I decided to make my special scrambled eggs so I cracked about four eggs and mixed them in a bowl. I added a few of my own ingredients. I'm not telling you what they are because it's a secret.

I put the eggs in the pan and moved them around a bit. I the cracked five more eggs in a bowl and began to make the French toast.

I was almost finished with everything. I arranged the food on the plate nicely and was about to put it on the table when two strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"That smells really good" Zayn spoke in his sleepy morning voice as he rested his head on my shoulder. Which might I say made him sound really sexy!

"Why thank you" I said as I put the plates back down on the counter and turned around in his arms.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked. I thought for a moment before I answered.

"Yes, I believe I did" I told him as he smiled. He leaned down a gave me a sweet and simple kiss on the lips.

"Good morning" he said when we broke apart "Now lets eat! This food smells great and I'm starving" he spoke as he grabbed both the plates and put them on the table.

He got two glasses and forks from the cabinets and placed them on the table as well. Then he pulled some frozen cans of apple juice out of the freezer and began to make them.

When he was finished he put the pitcher of juice on the table and we both sat down and ate.

The food was delicious, I have to say I did a good job. By the way Zayn was eating and not speaking I knew he loved the food as well.

When we both were finished eating we took our dishes to the sink and cleaned up the kitchen. While we were cleaning I heard the door to the apartment open and close.

"Why does it smell like amazing food was made in here and I wasn't invited?!" came the voice of the Irishman I've come to know.

Soon Niall appeared in the doorway of the kitchen and looked at both Zayn and I.

"Sorry Niall" I smiled "I made breakfast for Zayn and I" 

"Oh okay, I already are breakfast anyway" he said.

"But you're still hungry aren't you?" I asked him. He looked at me with a helpless puppy look and nodded his head.

"I can make you some French toast but that's all" I said.

Niall jumped up faster from his seat than I've ever seen him move before. He ran over to me and wrapped me in a big hug.

"Thank you! Thank you!" He said jumping up and down, still hugging me by the way.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now