Chapter Twenty-Five

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~•Arial's POV•~

I got off the phone with Zayn and felt better than I did when I got on the phone with him. Zayn always has that effect in me but I guess it's a good thing.

I came into his room wanting to self harm. I curled up on his bed and called him and I feel better. No harm needed now. He's like my drug or I guess in this case my cure as well.

I've been in here long enough I should probably go back out to where Eleanor and Carmen are. I'm starving anyway so I hope they got dinner.

I opened the door to Zayn's room and walked out. I walked down the small hall and came into view of Eleanor and Carmen. They were just casually sitting on the sofa talking. No doubt waiting on me to come out.

"Hey guys" I said as I went and sat on the sofa adjacent to the one they were on.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" Carmen asked.

"Better, I called Zayn and talked to him for a while" I smiled "I feel a little bad though cuz I woke him up and it's around 5:30 or 6 in the morning there".

"It's okay, I'm sure he was happy to hear from you" El smiled.

"Yea I think he was, hey I was wondering if you two maybe wanted to stay with me... here, while the lads are gone?" I asked "Considering Jeremy knows where I live, I don't want to be alone while waiting for Zayn to come home" I reasoned.

"No we'd love too!" El and Carmen said at the same time.

"Thank you guys sooo much! Ot means a lot to me that you would do this for me" I said gratefully.

"Hey what else are friends for?" Carmen said.

"Yea you're right" I said as my stomach grumbled.

"Don't worry we ordered pizza already, it should be here any minute" El answered I'm guessing because she heard my stomach.

"Sweet, so do you guys want to watch Mean Girls or Love Actually?" I asked holding up the two DVDs.

We decided to watch both of them but choose to watch Mean Girls first. About halfway into the movie out pizza was delivered.

We ate about a pizza and a half give or take a slice. It was overall a decent first day without the lads I'd have to say.

Before I went to bed which was around midnight to 1am I called Zayn like I promised. It was somewhere around 9am to 10am his time so it was still early in the day.

We talked about how their interview went and caught up on a few things. He put Niall on the phone who is the best over protective brother about the Jeremy situation.

After talking to Niall on the phone he put Zayn back on and we said our 'goodnights' and 'I love yous'. I ended the call and placed the phone on the bedside table and went to sleep.


The next few days went by easily. I talked to Zayn a lot. Whenever we were out of something Eleanor or Carmen would volunteer to go get it from the store.

We spent our days binding and becoming closer friends. We've tried to come up with a few plans to get Jeremy arrested. The only problem was whenever we though of every aspect of the plan, there was always a faulty part of it.

Nothing seemed to come of right or there were holes in the plan. Holes that couldn't really be patched up.

We spent a week or so trying to come up with plans. Each time coming up empty handed. That is unless we wanted to risk my safety. Zayn would be upset if we did that though.

I Would Love You *Zayn Malik* {EDITING}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang