Chapter 39: Old And New Acquaintances

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Marzia's POV

Escaping the house, I grabbed my keys and purse. Closing the door ever so quietly, not wanting to signal my exit. My mother would not be... Pleased, for lack of a better word.

The car stuttered to life, making noises that definitely weren't safe. It rolled out onto the streets, strutting along at its slow pace.

During my bored moments, I had stalked through the streets of the town. I had to compensate as I couldn't go outside. I memorised the way to the beach, shops, schools and parks. The streets were pretty much in rectangles, making it easy to remember. The town was not small, but it certainly could not be called a city.

I flicked the radio on, filling the silence. There was definitely a difference in style compared to Italy. It wasn't bad, so I left it on.

I pulled into the spacious parking lot, the closest lots already taken up. I parked, rolling up the windows and grabbing my valuables. I wasn't sure how trustworthy the neighbourhood was.

The shopping centre was a large spacious building, people mulling and browsing around. The stores were vibrant and colourful, ranging from clothes to cafes to little trinkets and decor items.

I browsed through a store called "Chantique" #spon, filled with fantasy clay works, zodiac charms and bracelets and feathered dream catchers. Everything was so expensive though.

I moved onto the next few shops, which were clothes and jewellery stores.

I hadn't saved a lot of money before we left Italy, so my expenses had to be worth it. But with the prices here, I doubt I would buy a lot.

I moved onto a teens clothes store, which was by the cinema. The overly cheery assistant asked me the usual "can I help you?" Which I politely declined.

As I flicked through the shirts rack, I glimpsed out the window. There, I saw him. It was weird, seeing Troye with friends, but that was to be expected. He seemed happy. At least he still had an outlet from his life at home.

I finished looking around the store, the buzzer sounding as I left. There wasn't any more shops left for me to explore and it had been at least two hours in the shops, so I began to walk back.

"Hey, Marzia!" A masculine voice sounded. They had a thick accent, definitely foreign.

I spun around, catching eyes with a guy who was waving at me. He seemed familiar, the blue eyes glittering with recognition. Then it clicked - he was the exchange student back in Italy. What was his name again..?

He ran up to me, smiling widely. His grin was infectious.

"Hey, I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm Felix from your school a few months ago." he introduced. Ah, that's his name.

"Oh yeah, I remember. I guess you already know my name" I laughed.

"Yeah, I could never forget you're name. So what are you doing here? I mean you're pretty far from Italy" he asked.

"I'm on a holiday with my mother" I lied, feeling horrible at how easy it slipped out. "What about you? You're from Sweden right?"

"Yeah, I'm from Sweden. I came here for my gap year, since I've finished school and all" he shrugged. He ran a hand through his cinnamon hair, and I couldn't help but admire the way it shined and softly fell back into place. Flawless.

"Oi, Pewds, come on let's go!" One of his friends I presumed called out to him.

"Oh, I got to go, but can I get your number?"

"Sure" I responded, pulling out a strip of paper and pen out of my bag, "Pewds?" I questioned as I wrote my number down.

"Nickname from a few years ago."

I nodded in response, handing him the slip of paper.

"I'll message you tonight, 'Kay?" he confirmed, beginning to walk away.

I nodded again, raising my hand in goodbye. "Bye."

He ran off to his friends. He looked back, smiling and walked towards the exit.

I felt someone else staring at me. I looked to my right, seeing Troye glance away to the group. A blonde haired boy looked at me curiously before he too looked back in their group.

I continued walking, brushing off their inquisitive looks. I wasn't sure how much Troye had said to his friends, if they even knew about his home life, but I didn't bother thinking about it.

The drive home was quicker, the same songs playing again as the drive to the shopping centre.

I pulled into my driveway, preparing myself for the lecture I was about to induce. Keys unlocking the door and - yep, there she was, waiting for me.

"Where were you?" she instantly interrogated me.

I sighed, placing the keys on the bench. "I was at the shops."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I'm old enough to go out by myself."

There began the ten minute lecture about why I need to tell her where I was and safety and her paternal duties she had. Talk about helicopter parents. It was like I was 7 not 17.

After she finished and dismissed me, I went straight to my room, immediately shutting the door.

My phone vibrated, and I pulled it out, reading the message.

It was from Felix.

Two hours later, tinted red cheeks and a lot of giggling and smiles, I found myself a new friend and possibly a new crush.

Nu Chipter yay ya.

This chapter was an idea by the glamorous Maggie (L3ttuc3) so thank her for the Melix.

I've preordered Troyes album, and I am so EXCITED. *screams* the bite teaser, oooooooo. And the blue neighbourhood trilogy.

Im not sure how many more chapters there are of this, but I think under 10. Yah. After this I'm going to start a Phanfic, so be prepared for that if you like my writing.

I gotta zayn now (:P) I'm sorry one directioners



Drawing of a Rose [Troyler AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt