Chapter 9: Not fully out

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Tylers P.O.V.

Second day of school. 4 days till the weekend.

I stepped out of my car and locked it, trudging towards the school entrance.

"Tyler!" A girly voice called me,  stopping me in my tracks.

I turned around, seeing Zoe running towards me.

"Hey gurl" I replied, hugging her tightly.

She lead me over to the others.

We talked and chatted about what everyone was planning to do after school. We decided to hang out at the park closest to the school.

The last minute bell sounded. I looked at my watch,  and sure enough,  it was 8:58.

"Oh shit we better go to class" I exclaimed, rushing into school with everyone else who hadn't yet gone to class.

I rushed into maths. The teacher. luckily was yet to arrive.

I collapsed into the chair. Marcus entered the room, breathless like me, and fell into the chair beside me.

"We made it" he panted. I just nodded.

Exercise is too tough for me.

Marcus nudged my shoulder, tilting his head to the doorway.

I looked.

Troye was in this classroom. He was in 3 out of 5 classes to me. I wasn't sure if was filled with excitement or dread.

I watched him as he walked past me to the back of the room, but he was walking funnily. Instead of his smooth, long strides, he stuttered when he applied pressure on one of his leg.

He obviously was injured, but how?

Marcus broke me out of my thoughts.

"Stop checking out boys" he said, a little too loud for my liking. The kids around us most likely heard it.

"You can't say that! I'm not fully out yet" I hissed. 

The teacher walked in at that moment, apologizing for being late.

I didn't miss the little "that's what she said" that came out of Marcus' mouth.

A/N Hiiyaa. Sorry for the short filler chapter, I got writer's block :( .

Also, the next few chapters are most likely going to be more fillers,  I need to prepare for the next 'drama'.

For once i didn't stay up late to finish a chapter.... huh.

Anyway, comment and vote if ya enjoyed this filler.
Imma go now.


Drawing of a Rose [Troyler AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt