Chapter 25: The Sandbar

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Troye P.O.V.

I stared at Tyler, unsure of how to react.

I'd admit, I was scared. I was terrified. Yet there was one part of me that felt excited? I mean, I have always been a conservative person, never one for spontaneous or adventurous ideas. You never know what will happen, so why bother?

"What?" I decided to say.

"We are going out for some fun, so you don't have to go back to that hell hole" his voice slightly lowered when he said the last part.

"Where are we going?"

That cheeky grin widened on his face.

"My secret" he sang.

Tyler walked past me, grabbing his keys. As he entered the lounge room, he called "Are you coming?"

I reluctantly followed, still not trusting this man. Sure, I've told him most of my life story, but that didn't mean my walls were completely smashed.

We stepped into Tyler's car, and buckled up.

The engine rumbled as Tyler turned the ignition on, and we were off. To where I could not say.

The streets rolled by, getting more confused as to where we were heading.

The car ride was silent, save for the soft music that was playing on the radio. I desperately wanted to sing or hum along to it, but I didn't want Tyler commenting on my horrible voice, so I stayed quiet.

Eventually we came to a stop in front of a diner, a quaint little place with few people inside.

"The Sandbar?" I questioned. (Real place)

"It's an awesome restaurant, come on" Tyler replied, hopping out of the car.

I sighed, pulling at the short sleeves of my top. I was glad that there was barely anyone inside, so if my bruises quickly reveal none will question me.

Taking my time, I got out of the car. Tyler was leaning against the pole, obviously impatient with me.

"Can you go any slower?" Tyler groaned.

"Yes I can" I replied. Just to annoy him, I lifted my leg painfully slow.

Tyler groaned again. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the Sandbar. I smirked, knowing that I had bugged Tyler. It for some reason made me feel very happy.

Tyler dragged me to a table, taking a seat across from me.

A waitress waltzed towards us, placing two menus in front of us. As she walked back, she winked. To who I could not say.

"Hey Troye. Someone's got a crush on you" Tyler said, tilting his head to the counter.

I narrowed my eyes at him, warning him to not mention it.

"Well I'm not interested" I stated,  hoping he'd get the message.

You never will be interested in her a little voice whispered. I didn't understand what it meant.

Tyler didn't get the message, either extremely oblivious or ignoring it.

"She was kinda cute though" Tyler said, carrying on the conversation.

"I thought you weren't attracted to girls" I commented.

I picked up the menu, scanning the menu.

"Just because I'm gay, doesn't mean I can't spot cute people of both gender. Like there's that waitress and there's you" Tyler said.

He grinned as I gaped at him, eyes wide and mouth open.

Drawing of a Rose [Troyler AU]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz