Chapter 14: Revelations

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Troye's P.O.V.

By week three of school, I had met up with Tyler three times. We would go to Starbucks, order and then sit down to work on the story.

There was something about Tyler that made me want to talk. I know I was in risk of getting punished, but I knew I just needed to act extra careful. I couldn't get too close to him, otherwise he would ruin everything.

Tyler scared me.

He made me feel more human, something that I wouldn't want to be, something that I couldn't be.

I sighed as we walked to Starbucks. Existing is hard, but living is harder.

We entered the popular cafe and ordered. We sat down in our usual spot, by the window, and began where we left off last time.

It was my turn to write the chapter,  as Tyler summarized the next few chapters in detail.

Half an hour later, I was thinking of how to write the next part.

I looked out the window, putting words together in my head.

I watched the people walk past.

A woman with her daughter, a business man looking at his watch. I watched two girls walking side by side, laughing, oblivious to the world around them. Then stopped laughing, smiling, before one of them pecked the other on her cheek. I recoiled in disgust.

Tyler looked up.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I pointed out the window.

"All I see is people" he frowned.

"Those two girls" I said.

"What about them?"

"They're fags" I said. How was that not obvious?

"No they're not, they're in love."

I looked at him incredulously. He did not...

"You support them?" I exclaimed,  breaking my monotone facade.

"Yes. Please don't tell me you're a homophobe" he muttered.

"They're unnatural. They aren't right" I nearly yelled. We had now caused some angry glances our way, so I made sure to lower my voice.

"Who told you that?"

"That doesn't-" he cut me off.

"Who told you that?"


"Who's him?"

One of my latest bruises, hidden under my top, twitched slightly in pain.

"I-I can't tell you that..." my voice trailed away, leaving an awkward air between us.

"Why do you support them?" I said after awhile, my confidence rising.

"Because everyone can love who they want, and-" he paused.

"I am gay."

Tyler's P.O.V. ( dammn in the middle...)

Troye's face expression switched from confusion,  to horrified to anger then lastly, disgust.

"You disgust me" he spat.

Ouch, that hurt.

He packed his things away, and stood up. Without even glancing my way, he began walking out.

I stuffed everything in my bag, and followed him.

"Troye!" I called after him, knowing it was pointless.

I rushed up to him, hesitating slightly before grabbing his arm.

He yelped and spun around. He broke free of my grasp. His eyes were like a bushfire, anger burning down any other emotion.

"Leave me alone faggot" he growled.

"No" I said, squaring my shoulders. He may be taller but he didn't have any muscle compared to me.

His fists clenched, ready to hit me.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact.

It didn't come.

Instead I heard footsteps down the path, getting softer.

I opened my eyes, and saw Troye entering the park.

I ran after him. The park was huge,  but there were only a few other people lingering around.

He ran through the trees. I followed him. Damn, he was fast.

I looked around, having lost sight of him. A flash of navy blue squeezing through the hedges caught my eye.

As I began to squeeze through the hedge myself, I smelt smoke. Not from fire smoke, a different kind.

"Hello son" I scratchy voice said.

I heard a cry of pain.

A/N Heeyyyy, cliffhanger!! Sorta not really...

So the main plot has began. Expect blood and tears next chapter.

I have no exciting things to report of except that I have a swimming carnival tomorrow and it's gonna be 41 degrees. Celsius btw.

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Imma go now.



Drawing of a Rose [Troyler AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon