Chapter 24: Sun, Music, Peace.

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Unknown's P.O.V.

(Just a small trigger warning. This chapter briefly mentions anorexia, so trigger warning for that)

I plugged in my music, not wanting to sit through my mother's lectures. I didn't know what I did to deserve this life that I was being driven towards, but I must've messed up somewhere.

I sighed as I listened to the lyrics of the song blasting into my ears. Songs can hold some really powerful emotions. They can make you feel emotions, just by a voice and an instrument. Powerful stuff.

Eventually, we, my mother and I, arrived at the little rent house we had booked. It wasn't too horrible, having a small, functioning garden and grass barely green.

I took in my large suitcase inside and placed it on the smallest bedroom out out of the two, knowing my mother would want the larger one.

I packed all my clothes into the dresser, since I would be here for about a month.

I rummaged around the previously neat clothes for my bathers, a pink one piece. I put it on and put a dress over them.

I grabbed the keys from the car I was recently in and walked out the door, hollering behind me, "I'm going to the beach".

The town we were staying in was relatively close to the sea shore, about a ten minute drive.

The problem was trying to find an empty beach.

I drove along the road, looking and searching. I turned on a road that lead to a tiny cafe, a playground and a little bay. I had found the perfect spot.

The sun was nearly at its peak, the water sparkling. Rocks barricaded the bay, giving a private feel to it. The cafe had barely any one in it. It was secluded, and I liked it.

I parked the car and hopped out,  grabbing my towel and bag.

I walked on the sand, feeling the hot grains sink and surround my feet each step I took. I laid my towel down, making sure no sand got on it.

I hesitated when I reached to pull my dress off. The thought that I had tried to ignore wriggled around my head, craving for the attention.

I killed it though, knowing that I was perfect, just like everyone else.

As I took my dress off, I looked around to see how many people were actually on this beach. There were only two other women, one engrossed in a book and one sun bathing with headphones in.

Good, none of them will bother me with questions.

The questions I would get when I was in high school. Are you eating enough? Are you anorexic? Why are you so skinny?

They made me self deprecate myself, practically forcing me to eat more than average.

Alas, I learnt better to know that I was 'too skinny' because I wasn't. No one is too thin. People can't help things they can't change.

I squirted a little suncream on my hand, applying it on any visible skin.

I laid down on the towel, relishing in the warmth compared to my native land.

Earplugs in my ears, sun radiating heat on my body and being left in peace, I felt pure bliss.

Through my fifth song, I heard a loud cackle. I squinted my eyes open, looking for the source of the sound. To my right, about 25 meters away from me, were two men. I internally sighed. Please don't let them be those types of guys wanting to flirt with every girl they see.

But why would they go to a barely populated beach?

I shook the thoughts away, returning to my music.

Time shall tell.

A/N Heellowww!  Got a new chapter out, and it's in an unknown point of view, oooo.

It was pretty short, I know, but I couldn't give too much away.

And a message to all,*cue inspirational music* you're perfect, don't change something you can't or for other people, because it's your body and your life. *inspirational music stops*

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I'll also leave me twitter, if any of yall want to message me (I don't tweet yet, but I will message anyone who does tweet at me :) ) :


Imma go now.



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