Chapter 13: Opinions

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Troye's P.O.V.

(Trigger warning of depressive thoughts. There not suicidal  just sad thoughts)

The wall was the only blue wall in my room,  isolated from the others.

What is it like to be completely and forever lonely?

Why can't I escape reality and just live in my dreams?

Why do I wake up each day?  Dreams are a better paradise than reality.

Do I have a point in life? All I do is eat sleep and think. I was born, only to have everyone and everything I do completely die and forget me.

I'm stuck in a solar system in an entire universe. And I can't escape it.

Silence is scary because you hear the truth in it.

Darkness surrounds me, yet it comforts me,  because I know I can let my emotions free and never be judged.

We create monsters, that do horrible things, and we fight them back, but what if we're the evil ones. That monster could have a wife and two kids at home, hoping he will survive the war that he was forced into. We fight them, thinking they are evil and lead them into extinction,  but what if they could've been our friends?

We just think that everything we do will benefit the world, thinking that we could never hurt someone else's feelings. Yet we scrutinize and judge everyone else.

The biggest question is why? Why did the universe start? What purpose do humans have? Why was I brought into this world,  if all that happens to me is being beaten up and ignored?

I wonder where she is? The one that cared for me when I was younger, but her ways turned unnatural and he sent her away.

Is her opinion really horrible?  Yes because she isn't natural.

Can opinions be wrong? Everyone says that opinions can't be disputed or wrong, but yes they can be. They are wrong if they are based off of things that are incorrect.

Tired eyes.

Heavy eyelids.


A/N Sooo......
bit of a random chapter? I just wanted to show you a little of Troye's mind, and his/ sorta mine views of the world.

I just really wanted to jot down  some late night thoughts and cringe at them the next morning...

Anyway it's late, I'm gonna start rambling soon so imma go now.



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