Eros and Sicily, pt 2

Start from the beginning

The two decided to head forwards, since they were already confident they could find clues as to where the Humanity Stone was over there. They walked up some more, finding the pink building actually resembled the upper half of a Wigglytuff with a gate leading inside on its stomach. To the sides were two large totems depicting various Pokemon; In front of those, torches. Centered in front of the building was a grate in the ground, the holes spaced in a way so that someone just a tad smaller than Eros couldn't fall through. Eros stood right before this grate, discussing his thoughts with Sicily.

"I think it's a trap."

Sicily gave an odd look. "The grate?"

"Yeah. I don't think they like visitors."

"Well, how else are we going to get past those bars?"

"I'll go knock." Eros walked around the grate in the ground and up to the metal gate, giving it a firm knock and shouting, "Hello? Anybody home? Is this the-"

Eros stopped as soon as he heard a flapping from deep inside. Sicily sighed and flew over to Eros, joining him at his side. As the flapping continued, a grumpy looking Chatot came out of a hole inside the building, visible through the grate. As it hopped over to the doors, it looked frustratingly at Eros and inquires, "Who are you? Why did you skip over the grate?"

Eros flinched a bit at this and said, "Uh, we're here about the Humanity Stone?"

The Chatot only added confusion to his anger, stating, "What? We don't have any here. Are you setting up a request? If so, you have to mail those in."

"Uh... Did someone by the name of Cerci come by?"

"I can't disclose information about any possible clients. I'm sorry, but you'll have to-"

"Then maybe I could talk Eevee and Totodile? Team Something Angels or whatever? They went to the bell tower a while back."

The Chatot lost some of its anger but retained a bit of curiosity. "I'll see if they were expecting anyone. What are your names?"

Eros turned to Sicily before saying, "I'm Eros."

"And I'm Sicily."

"I'll go check now." The Chatot turned and went down the curious hole once more. There also seemed to be a billboard behind the hole, listing ten bullet points about some code of conduct. A few moments later, the same Eevee from the bell tower, as well as the Totodile, popped up from the hole. Chatot followed close.

The Eevee warmly greeted the two with, "Eros! And Sicily! My, you've evolved, Sicily! You must be getting stronger! Come in!" The gate started to open as they said this, allowing Eros and Sicily to walk in. "I have so much to talk about!"

As the party of five, including Eros, Sicily, Eevee (who now wishes to be called Alice), Totodile and Chatot, made their ways down the hole's now visible ladder, finding it led to a large room full of talking Pokemon of all kinds. As a result, the room was full of various sounds and voices. There were two billboards on the closest wall, opposite the side of the building's entrance above. To the side was a stone kiosk adjacent to the wall, hosting a Croagunk and a mystical cauldron. On the opposite side was an empty stand, stating the words "Party Adjustment" above. While they were climbing down and a while after they reached the bottom, Eevee told various stories about the odd "Mystery Dungeons" that she and Totodile managed to fight through, depicting some of their harshest foes. They include, but are not limited to: A Drowzee, an imaginary Groudon and an evil Luxray and his lackeys. Eevee seemed proud of defeating each and every one of these foes, describing the details as deep as to mention every exact move as it happened. By this time, a mysterious Wigglytuff, likely the owner of the building, joined the small storytelling circle that was formed, although he remained silent.

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