"Now!" Hecate clapped, turning to me, making me jump as she seemed so calm before but now seemed to change to become talkative, talking quickly. "I should tell you why I've come. You see, I am the Goddess of the Mist, and can also see things that have not come to pass yet. I've come because you need my help."

Still, I was too stunned to even talk but she kept speaking, something that Matt definitely acquired from her as they both spoke non-stop.

"I've come to teach you about the Mist. In this quest, you'll need the ability to control it, and seeing this long ago, as well as being friend with your mother, I granted you a gift of my abilities.

"Huh?" I managed to finally say. "A gift? When?"

"Why when you were a babe of course." She smiled softly then waved her hand at me. "Now quiet so I may teach you." I stayed silent and she gave me a nod of approval. "Very good. First we must start on what the Mist is. Not what it does, but what it is."

I knew the first question and was about to answer but my mouth closed when she finished. "I uh... I don't know." I admitted. " Isn't it just mist like what's at our feet? It's like a gas or whatever... right?"

Hecate glanced down at our feet from the mist that was radiating from her. She frowned.

"No." She answered, continuing to stare at it before moving her eyes to me. "Unlike regular mist, the Mist isn't actually.... well condensation. It's not a gas nor a liquid either. It's a solid, if you will it to be so," She scooped up some of the mist in her hand but when she raised her hand, rather than the mist falling out, it was an apple, she tossed it to me and I caught it, surprised when it looked and smelled like a regular apple. "The Mist is more than just a veil from mortal eyes. The Mist binds both of our worlds together" She continued and intertwined her fingers together to exaggerate her point. " It can even trick those from the Godly side of the world if you know how to use it correctly. Not only demigods, but us Gods as well. The Mist is something that, if learned to use properly, can help you greatly. It is designed for only the best of my children or those that i give the gift, and i have given you my gift Averill."

"But...why me?"

"Averill," she shook her head at me as if she were disappointed. "You question yourself too much. You are important to this world- to both of these worlds- much more than you know is possible. You are dangerous, my dear girl, a war shall come soon and you shall choose a side, and whichever side you choose, you will impact the war greatly."

"What? A war? What do you mean?"

She ignored me and continued on, making me upset from her not answering my questions. "In order to use the Mist, you must find it in yourself." She told me, placing her hand above her heart. "You must take the Mist from your soul, you must truly want it and become one with it. Then you must bend it to your will. It will take much practice to master the ability, but fear not, in time, you shall learn. Controlling the Mist will also drain you physically, it takes a great deal of concentration and a great deal of pure will. Now come, let us start small. I wish for you to make me a simple flower."

I stayed still, expecting her to say more but she didn't and instead took a step back, clasping her hands together and waiting. Finally, she rose an eyebrow and gave me an expectant nod when I didn't do anything.

"Now?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, i believe I have explained what i can. Now you must try it for yourself."

"But you haven't explained anything." I argued exasperated.

"Come Averill, just try will you?"

Forbidden (A Luke Castellan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now