Girl Meets America

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Josh's POV
I woke up the next morning to two girls jumping on my bed. One had brown hair and was my brother's daughter. The other was my beautiful blonde girlfriend. They didn't realize I woke up yet, so when I quickly without warning reached up and pulled Maya down. When she crashed down next to me I kissed her lips. It was nearly a full minute before we broke apart. She payed next to me and I said,
"So you two better have a good reason for waking me up this early."
"Oh but we do, tell him Riles," Maya said in the voice of a TV announcer.
"It's bring your kid to work day!" Riley bubbled. I was confused. I had no clue what that had to do with me, but then I remembered I promised Cory I would go with him since his daughter already came with him everyday and his son didn't want to miss the activity they were doing in school that day.
"Alright alright let me get dressed go tell Cory I'll be ready in like half an hour." I said. Riley and Maya turned to go out the door. Before she could leave I grabbed Maya's hand and said to her with a smirk,
"You know, you could stay if you want,"
"Nah I gotta finish getting ready. I'll take you up on that offer another time." She smirked back at me.
"At least kiss me before you go put on your makeup. I can't have you getting mad at me for messing that up." I said to her. She laughed and leaned up to kiss me. I pushed her onto the bed and kissed her more. I ran my hands up and down her body and she had her's in my hair. She got herself out from under me and as she left the room she turned back to me and said,
"Not so fast, not all of us are 18 plus," and giggled to herself.
Riley's POV
Maya told me about what her and Josh did and I thought she was lucky. Her and Josh had a more mature relationship because he was older. As much as I love what Lucas and I have, I wish he would move a little more.
"Hey Riles," Lucas said stopping at my desk as he walked into class.
"Hey Lucas," I said back. We stared at each other for a moment.
"Kiss her already!" Maya shouted pushing Lucas onto me as my dad came in with Josh.
"What's this?" He asked seeing Lucas's lips on mine.
"Shawn I told you to watch them!" He shouted to the back of the class. I turned to notice Shawn was sitting there. How could I have not noticed him before?
"I was watching. It was entertaining. Another minute and I probably would have seen something good. But your face when you saw it was priceless, Cor," Shawn said to my dad.
"Are you going to call class to order or continue with Mr. Hunter?" A voice asked from the doorway.
"Mr. Feeny! I thought you were at home today." My dad said, startled.
"Ah yes I was supposed to be, but I was rather curious to see how you run class on an ordinary day. I'll just sit in the back with Mr. Hunter and you can simply pretend I'm not there." Feeny said.
"Well, then go right ahead. Josh you can go sit next to my desk or something." My dad said. Josh sT in my dads chair and pretended to be him.
"Yeah, ok." My dad said taking one look at Josh and turning back to the class. Suddenly we heard a voice outside the class.
And then Uncle Eric came wandering into the classroom.
"Yes, Mr. Matthews?" Feeny asked.
"Oh nothing I was just looking for you, and demonstrating a proper Feeny call, I'm looking at you niche, mohesha, and Josh." Uncle Eric said. The three of us put our hands up in the air in defense as my mom came running in.
"I tried to keep Eric at the house but I had to go to the bathroom!" She panted, obviously put of breath from running.
"Okay, not that I don't love you guys, but why is pretty much my entire family in my classroom? If Morgan or Mom and Dad or my son walk through that door I am going to loose it!
"No, keep teaching honey I'm just gonna take a breather in the back." My mom said still panting and headed for a chair.
"Welcome to the back of the class club," Shawn said motioning to himself, Feeny, Josh (who moved himself to the back), and now Eric.
"Thanks I've never been back here before," my mom said.
"Neither have I, at least not as a student." Feeny whispered to my mom.
"Hey! Quiet in back!" My dad shouted and then laughed.
"Mr. Matthews are you going to teach anytime soon? The period is nearly over!" Mr. Feeny pointed out.
"Right away, Mr. Feeny. France." My dad said and began to drone on.
Maya's POV
I was about to stand up on my desk and get some action into this snooze fest that was France, but a not landed on my desk. I looked around to see who gave it to me and I saw Shawn looking at me from the pencil sharpener. I unfolded the paper and read it.
Can I marry your mother?
Was all the note said. I nearly wanted to pull a Riley and scream. I had been hoping this day would come, and I don't hope. Not only does this make my mom happy, it makes Shawn my dad, officially. I couldn't be happier.
"Maya, what are you looking at?" Matthews asked me.
"It's a-" I was about to say paper when Shawn jumped up.
"NO! MY PAPER!" He was running to grab it but Cory got to it first. He read it then looked at Shawn.
"You want to marry Katy?" He asked Shawn.
Shawn's POV
"You want to marry Katy?" Cory asked me. I love my best friend, but sometimes he can be so clueless. He wasn't supposed to say that out loud.
"Well, yeah, and thanks for telling everyone that, but only if it's okay with Maya. Is it okay with you Maya?" I asked her. She jumped out of her seat and ran over to me. She gave me a big hug and said.
"That's all I want." She said. I hugged her back and said
"I'm glad I can make you happy, Maya."
"Welcome to official fatherhood," Cory said to me smiling. I smiled back at him.
"I think I'm gonna like it." I said. Then to Maya I asked her,
"How about after school you come to Topanga's?"
"I can't wait." She said back to me.
"While on the subject, why don't we learn about marriage in France?" Cory asked. The class, including Eric, Josh, and I groaned. Only Feeny and Topanga looked interested.
"No more France! This is America!" Maya shouted jumping up into the desk. She looked at Riley.
"That's my cue," Riley said and jumped up to join her.
"AMERICA! AMERICA!" Riley and Maya chanted. Farkle then ran to the teacher's desk, flipped the sign to say "Farkle Time" and wrote AMERICA in huge letters across the board. Lucas opened the supply cabinet and tossed red and blue streamers to the girls and took the white for himself. They threw the streamers around. I couldn't resist any longer.
"Cory these kids are even crazier than we were!" I shouted. I found some glitter in the cabinet and started throwing it. Eric was running in circles doing a Feeny call and Josh joined Maya, Riley, and Lucas with the streamers. I turned to Topanga to see she had her lipstick all over her face.
"Use a mirror, babe." I laughed and then took the lipstick and put it on my own face. I gathered up the others and put lipstick on true faces. I ran out of lipstick before I could try and get Cory who was just siting watching his class in chaos.
"Take mine!" Maya said tossing me her lipstick. I got lipstick on Cory's face and he gave up just sitting around. He joined in. Now only Mr. Feeny was left. He was trying to gain order in the class. Cory, Maya, Riley, and I sneak attacked Feeny. He was covered with streamers, glitter, and lipstick like the rest of us.
"Mr. Matthews, they are even crazier than you guys were." Feeny said not moving. We continued running around glitter flying off of us as we moved.

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