Girl Meets Belgium 1831

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Riley's POV
When Maya came over the next morning something felt weird about her and Uncle Josh almost as if they were hiding something from us.
"Riley hurry up and eat, we gotta get to class early today!" Dad hurried me along
"Something interesting?" Maya asked him
"I would say so," my father answered fading vague.
As we sat down in class thirty minutes later with Lucas and Farkle as the bell rang, my dad began his lesson.
"Okay ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat today! My old teacher and neighbor, Mr. Feeny is coming for a day or two to take over class while I sit in back and be a student again. On an unrelated note, everybody say hi to my buddy Shawn who will also be joining us to be a student again. Mr. Feeny will be here any moment so until then why don't we discuss how we will behave for Mr. Feeny." My dad said. I turned around to see Shawn. When did he get here?
"I want my front four to act like they always do, and the rest of you just be in the back like always. But feel free to treat Mr Feeny exactly-" the door opened interrupting my dad.
"I hope you weren't planning to say how they treat you, Mr. Matthews because that idea frightens me. Hello Mr. Hunter." The Feeny I've heard much about entered the room.
"Hi Mr. Feeny I'm Riley." I said.
"Ah, yes. Cory and Topanga's child." He said.
"I'm Maya and I'm your worst nightmare." Maya stood up.
"She's really not terrible just has rule obeying issues," My father said. Maya laughed.
"That's Ranger Rick, and that is a Farkle," Maya added pointing at each in turn.
"It's actually Lucas, nice to meet you sir." Lucas waved.
"I'm Farkle Minkus and I'm going to take over the world," Farkle said.
"Minkus' s kid? Are you sure you aren't a robot?" Feeny asked Farkle.
"I'm still looking for the birth certificate." Farkle sighed.
"Shawn." Feeny said looking at Maya.
"Minkus," he said looking at Farkle
"Topanga," he said to Lucas
"And you are definatly your father, miss Matthews," he said to me and I nodded.
"Farkle time sir?" Farkle asked my dad.
"Ask Mr. Feeny," he said.
"Farkle time sir?" Farkle repeated to Feeny.
"What is that?" He asked looking at my dad.
"Just let him," my dad said.
"Okay go ahead, Mr. Minkus." Feeny said nodding.
Farkle got out of his seat went to the teachers desk and flipped the name plate.
"Now you sit in Farkle's seat," I told him. Feeny moved to Farkle's desk and sat, very confused.
"I am going to run this world one day. Today we are Sophmores. But tomorrow you are under my rule with my two queens Riley and Maya. It doesn't matter if Riley is with Lucas because in my kingdom she is mine! Riley and Maya please join me!" Farkle shouted. We stood up to join Farkle.
"Ladies," Farkle said.
"Farkle,"Maya and I said.
"But as of now Farkle she's my girlfriend!" Lucas said standing too.
"Maya can I scream now?" I asked her.
"Go ahead cupcake." She gave me permission.
"She is my queen!" Farkle said drawing his pencil as a sword.
"No she is mine!" Lucas shouted drawing a marker. He began to chase Farkle around the room. Both my dad and Mr. Feeny jumped up.
"Enough!" Feeny shouted as my dad said
"Farkle I'll teach about Belgium 1831 if you and sit. Mr. Friar, just sit anyway."
"I'm not even going to get excited you never actually do!" Farkle shouted
"Sit!" Maya shouted jumping into her desk.
"Yeah!" I suited joining her.
"What is going on here Mr. Matthews! These four are crazier than you guys were!" Feeny said.
"Cory you are the best teacher! I love Farkle time!" Shawn laughed from the back of the room.
"Mr. Matthews has been saying he will teach us about Belgium 1831 since seventh grade but has it ever happened? Noooooo and he always gets my hopes up by writing it on the board then changing it!"
"Okay Farkle watch this."
Maya's POV
Mr. Matthews got up and wrote Belgium 1831 on the board.
"Belgium 1831." He said taking the front of the class. Farkle gasped.
"It's happening!!"
"In Belgium 1831 people couldn't choose who they wanted to date. Their parents did. Whoever had the most goats won. But the king did whatever he wanted. He has two queens. His name was Smarckle. His queens were Miley and Raya. But Miley was in love with a knight, Shmucas. The king didn't like that and wanted to have Shmucas killed. Shmucas challenged the legal system of Belgium. He and King Smarkle dueled over Queen Miley. Meanwhile Queen Raya was having an affair with her wise old teacher's younger brother, Hosh. Hosh and Raya one day snuck off into the woods. They were sick of the legal system. Miley, Shmucas, Raya, and Hosh fought a war with King Shmarkle." He told us.
"How did it end, daddy? What happened next?" Riley asked. Me, Riley, Farkle, Lucas, Feeny, and Shawn all were on the edge of our seats.
"They went the Sir Hatthews, Hosh's older brother and his friend Pawn begging for help in their war. After enlisting sir Hatthews and Pawn, sir Hatthews took his wife Shmopanga and called the wise old wizard, Leeny. They fought for many years, with love on their side. They over years bred an army and took down king Shmarkle. It was then Belgium 1891 and the people of Belgium were free. It all ended well."
My dad fished the story.
"But Mr. Matthews that's completely not what happened in Belgium 1831 you can't just alter your lessons to fit their needs they need truth!" Feeny said.
"With all due respect Mr. Feeny, sir, teaching has changed over years. I'm sure one day before we graduate, maybe, we will learn about real Belgium 1831 but right now he has taught us a valuable lesson just like he always does. And some lessons are more important than the ones in the book." Lucas said to Feeny.
"So basically, catch up old man," I added.
"She is so you, Mr. Hunter." He said turning to Shawn.
"And maybe you are doing a few things right, Mr. Matthews,"
"I learned from the best." he said.
"Now what was this about Maya having an affair with your younger brother Josh?" Feeny asked. I ran out the door. Seconds later I heard footsteps and tuned around. Riley, Matthews, and Feeny followed me out.
"How did you know?" I asked Matthews.
"I didn't. I assumed and you proved me right." He said.
"Is it a bad thing?" I asked.
"Miss Hunter- er Hart, it is just wrong. Past the line. The teachers brother! Not right!" Feeny said in his old voice.
"Maya, if my Uncle Josh makes you happy than I think it's a great thing. You've always liked my Uncle Josh. I'm glad that you two are together and don't stop no matter what anyone says." Riley said to me.
"Bay window. Bay window right now." I said.
"But we're at school!" She said.
"I don't care I need the window!" I said going in to grab Farkle, Lucas, and Shawn. I heard Feeny say
"What does she mean?" And Riley say
"It's a special place."
I came out dragging the three boys and looked at Matthews.
"I guess we're going home now?" He asked. I nodded.
"I'll call a sub." He said.
"Mr. Matthews this is irresponsible!" Feeny said.
"No, Mr Feeny. It's what I have to do. Come with us. Maybe you'll learn some new things.
We all marched home. When we got in I grabbed Josh and dragged him to the window. First I needed me him and Riley.
"Riley I'm with your uncle." I said.
"Yeah, ok. I like it. But I'm never calling you aunt." She said.
"Yeah okay," I laughed. I let Farkle and Lucas join next.
"I'm with Josh." I said.
"It's like the story! You go guys I love it!" Lucas said.
"Now I lost both my queens..." Farkle frowned looking near tears. Riley and I both put an arm around him.
"We will always be your queens Farkle. We can't be your queens romantically but we will always be your Queens, Farkle. You'll never loose us." Riley said.
"What she said," I added with a laugh. Farkle smiled and him, Riley, Lucas, and I group hugged. While we were hugging Matthews, Shawn, Feeny, and Topanga walked in.
"Is paradise restored?" Topanga asked.
"Yeah, I think so. We're all good." Farkle said.
"Good. Now Mr Feeny, not that I'm not pleasantly surprised to see you but WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!" Topanga shouted. We all laughed as Cory explained the visit he forgot to tell his wife about. Lucas put his arm around Riley as the story was recounted and Josh pulled me close to him. Riley and I exchanged a glance, kissed our boyfriends real quick and went to sit next to our king so he wouldn't be alone.

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