Girl Meets Escape Plan

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Lucas's POV
"Hey Lucas, going to the party tonight?" Some blond chick came up to me and started hanging on me.
"Nah, I'm having a night in with my girlfriend Riley and Maya and Amaya's boyfriend." I told the girl.
"Are you sure? My parents aren't gonna be there and things could get a little interesting," the girl tried to persuade me. A make out party? As if.
"Sorry, not my scene," I told the blond.
"Yeah well it's mine! I'll come Sydney!" Maya told her.
"Great. Bring your boyfriend. Lucas if you change your mind you're always welcome," The Sydney girl said with a wink. She turned with a flourish of her long hair that whacked me in the face.
"Maya I do not want to go to a make out party! We all promised we would spend the night with my parents because Mr. Feeny is in town. We would have to sneak out and- fine I'll go," Riley said resigning to what Maya signed us all up for.
Riley's POV
"Hi Mr. Feeny!" I said opening the front door later that day.
"Hello Miss Matthews, oh dear I will never get used to saying that." He said.
"Would you like to sit down?" I asked him motioning to the couch.
"My parents are in their room they should be out in a moment." I said. Mr. Feeny say on the couch with Maya, Josh, Lucas, Farkle, and I.
"Please will you all not be your parents." Mr. Feeny begged us.
"Sorry, but you got yourself double the trouble of you think they aren't exactly like us." Shawn said coming through the front door.
"I don't know if you know what Eric is like these days, but I think it may be best you don't know. Just focus on how me and Cory turned out alright and we will all feel accomplished," he added.
"I don't even want to know, Mr. Hunter." Mr. Feeny said. I couldn't believe this was the guy that made my dad into who he is today.
"Well, this was nice but we have to redecorate Riley's room c'mon guys." Maya said.
We stood up and headed off to my room.
"Alright. Josh and I go right Riley and Lucas go left Farkle pick any way you want, Smackle is waiting at the bottom for you. Let's move out c'mon party time." Maya clarified the escape plan for us.
We all headed out our windows. As we climbed out we were pushed back in by Shawn on the right window, my dad on the left, and Mr. Feeny opened my door.
"Seriously? Do you even know who you live with? Shawn and I pretty much invented this move!" My dad shouted.
"And I knew them for a very long time, I know all the tricks."
"Living room, ladies, gentlemen, and Farkle." Shawn said begging to usher us out of my own room.
"Where were you five going?" My mother yelled.
"It better not have been Sydney's party!" My dad said.
"Who's Sydney? What party?" My mom asked.
"Sydney is a girl at the school who is having a make out party tonight." My dad told them.
"Oh cool, they should go. Remember all
The fun times we had?" Shawn said to me with a smirk.
"Yeaaahhh" I said back laughing at the memories.
"Mr. Hunter, Mr. Matthews, priorities." Mr. Feeny said.
"No, let's hear the stories of the girl chasing high school years shall we?" My mother asked.
"Why don't you take it away, my Shawn?" My dad hid behind Shawn.
"No, she still scares me a bit." Shawn tried to hide behind me.
"Men, discipline your children for crying out loud! Unless you want me to do it for you," Mr. Feeny offered.
"Noooo! You don't ruin my children! They don't need that kind of torture!" Shawn shouted as my dad agreed.
"Who's idea was it to go to the party tonight? Wait stupid question. Maya why did you decide to go to this kind of party? Riley why did you agree? Farkle what were you even going to do and Lucas why are you still dating my daughter? Sit down Josh I'm mad at you too." My dad asked us all at once. We all started to talk until Mr. Feeny stepped in and pointed at us one by one.
"Because I wanted to have a good time and live a little with my boyfriend!" Maya defended.
"Because she's Maya and she's my best friend. Plus I was kinda excited to be all cool!" I told him.
"I was meeting Smackle and we were gonna do this!" Farkle said and made kissing noises.
"Because your daughter is a very lovely nice girl and gorgeous and perfect and she is a very good kisser, sir." Lucas answered. To that I heard Shawn whisper to my dad
"He has both of our minds, plus a bit of Topanga's." I giggled and then blushed when I realized what Lucas said.
"And as for me, dude I'm your younger brother! C'mon man!" Josh whined.
"Yeah yeah go to your room and send Auggie out here." Dad said.
"Who's Auggie?" Feeny asked.
"Our son," Mom said.
"Is he like you or him?" Feeny asked getting worried.
"Well Riley is a good mix of us both so we're hoping this one will be too."
"Hey Auggie," I said when he came out.
"What are all these people doing here?" He asked me.
"We're having a little bit of a party," I told him.
"A grown up party?" He asked.
"Sure," I laughed.
"Then why is Uncle Josh in time out? Isn't he a grown up?" Auggie asked.
"Nah, and neither am I. Or Maya or Farkle or Lucas. I'm not even sure mommy daddy and Shawn are. It's a kids party and Mr. Feeny is crashing." I told him.
"Who's Feeny?" He asked.
"That is. He's mommy daddy and Shawn and Uncle Eric's old teacher. He lived next door to Daddy and uncle Eric. He shaped them into who they are." I told Auggie.
"Okay. Then I like him cause I like mommy and daddy and Shawn and uncle Eric." Auggie said the cute way only he can. The whole room awed.

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