Girl Meets Room

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Farkle's POV
I am going to take over this world and live with my two queens Riley and Maya. But Riley has been taken by Lucas so I have to find another queen to replace her. I snuck in to the school's PA system and made a little announcement.
"Hello ladies. It's Farkle time. I am your supreme ruler and I am here to announce I need a queen. Now come running all at once but come to room 135 in eighteen seconds. Thank you I am Farkle."
I hung up the PA and counted to eighteen. My announcement must not have gone through because no one showed up. I headed to class determined to try again another day. Maybe today we will finally learn about Belgium 1831!
Riley's POV
"Hey Riley, can I talk to you?" Lucas asked me before class started.
"Yeah Lucas?" I asked him getting excited.
"Riley, do you want to go on a date with me?" He asked straightforward.
"Be cool," Maya whispered in my ear
"I would love that. I mean like! I mean... Yes, Lucas."
"Nice save" Maya whispered in my ear.
We settled into our seats and Farkle burst through the door.
"Ladies," he said
"Farkle," me and Maya answered together.
"Farkle take a seat Belgium 1831." Dad said. If we actually learn about Belgium I might die of shock.
"FINALLY!" Farkle shouted from the seat behind me.
"You actually think it's gonna happen Farkle? He's been trying to teach us this since seventh grade," Maya pointed out.
"I can only hope this is the day, Maya."Farkle said his eyes glued to the board.
"Mr. Friar can I have your eyes up here please?" My dad said. I turned to look at Lucas who was looking at me and jumped suddenly looking startled.
"Yeah Belgium 3118!" Lucas said.
"Yeah, ok." Daddy said.
I got up to go sharpen my pencil and dad paused.
"Mr. Friar. I would appreciate that if you must look at my daughter you keep your eyes north." I heard him say.
"Sorry sir," Lucas replied. I felt my cheeks getting really red as I went back to my seat.
"Oh my gosh Riley Lucas totally checked out your butt!" Maya whispered
"He did? Really? Did he like it?" I asked.
"I think so Riles, he got pretty red,"
"For the record Riles, you've got a pretty cute butt," Lucas said from right behind Maya.
"Oh yeah you sit there." I said my face heating up.
"Now don't you go taking away innocent Riley, Ranger Rick." Maya said.
"NO!" Dad shouted as he erased the words Belgium 1831 from the board.
"I'm not even gonna get upset anymore because it's gonna happen again." Farkle said
In big letters on the chalkboard was now the word Dating. I had no clue what this had to do with history but honestly,my dad taught whatever he felt like teaching.
"Dating. Can be good fun. Can also be bad. Very bad. Inappropriate even. At your age you may want things out of dating that you shouldn't be doing at your age. You can kiss but you can not make out. You can hang out but you must have clothing on and lots of it. Hands should stay to yourself at all times-" my dad would have kept talking but he was inturrupted.
"No offense, sir, but weren't you once our age?" Lucas asked
"Yeah daddy. Moms told me a lot of stories of what you two did when you are our age. You weren't saying any of this back then!" I said
"Oooh what did Matthews do?" Maya asked laughing
"Riley I forbid you to answer that." My dad shouted which made Maya laugh harder.
Maya's POV
After school I headed back to Riley's apartment wondering if Josh was there.
"Hey Maya," a voice behind me said. I quickly turned around to see Josh.
"Why are you hanging around? Riley's on her date with Lucas." He asked me.
"I know, just chilling here." I said trying to stay cool.
"Are you sure you weren't just hoping to run in to someone?" He asked as he stepped closer.
"Nope. Just chilling. I'm not saying I didn't want to see you I just... Yeah you see through me don't you?" I asked resigning to defeat.
"Why don't we talk. Auggie is at Ava's house." Josh said. He grabbed my arm and lead me to his and Auggie's room.
We sat down on his bed and faced each other.
"Maya, you are 16 and I'm 19. That isn't as big a difference as it used to seem. I know you like me and I'm starting to think I like you too Maya so what do you say we go out?" I nearly melted hearing Josh say those words. For some reason I heard Mr. Matthews voice in my mind. Dating older people will cause problems. Stay in your age especially if it's an older boy. But when had I ever listened to him before. Besides, it's Josh. Totally different circumstance.
"I would love to go out Josh," I whispered. He crashed his lips on to mine pushing me backwards falling onto the bed. He fell with me and kissed me on his bed with the soft lips I had been fantasizing for years about. The kiss was nearing the point where it might have gotten more heated but we heard Corey and Topanga come home through the front door. I tried to quickly leave Josh's room before we were seen together and questioned but no such luck escaping hawk eye and the teacher.
"What were you two doing in there?" Topanga asked me.
"We were talking," Josh said.
"Oh really? Talking? About?" Topanga asked
"A guy Maya has a crush on," he said. Was that the best cover he could come up with? Every one knows I have a crush on him! Either they didn't feel like questioning us or Josh was a better actor than he seemed because they left us alone.
"Meet me on the fire escape at midnight," Josh said to me his lips moving against my ear as he whispered into it.
"I'll be there," I told him.

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