24. "I need you to be honest with me."

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Night had settled in, after Harry's abrupt departure. It was a full moon night, but the grey clouds were holding its light back, shielding it from our demanding eyes. The stars were scattered and few, shying away from the moon's overwhelming presence.

I was reminded of the nights when my mum would take Liam and I camping. She'd point out patterns in the sky, name them after us, or make up random names and tell us that it was what we were to name our children, who of course, would have been the best grandchildren ever, with the coolest grandma. She always planned ahead, making promises she was unable to keep. She was all that Liam had turned into, which highly resembled Harry. She was hopeful, loving, selfless, caring, always seeing the light at the end of the pathetic excuse of a tunnel, even if it wasn't there.

She used to sing us to sleep, telling us stories about how heroic our father was, even though, he was nothing more than an oppressive, heartless, son of a bitch. She managed to see something in him that was long gone. And that was what eventually killed her. She had this belief that even if he wasn't there at all times, he would be there when it mattered. But he wasn't. He let her down. He let them kill her, when she was defenseless, unprepared, and weak.

She was everything I swore I'd never become. And that was why I fought so hard against all things human. I didn't allow myself to grieve, because feeling anything at all, would have weakened me, and that was something I couldn't let myself be. I trained, fought, and I excelled. I built a reputation for myself, and now everyone feared me, the way I had once feared the chaotics who took her away.

With a tired sigh, I looked away from the stars which were forming into a mocking image of her face, just as the door to the cell opened, and in came, Harry. He didn't speak a single word, he simply walked towards me, as if he had a purpose to fulfill. He untied all the chains, pulling a chair, and sitting right in front of me.

" I want answers, Autumn. No bullshit. No games. I want answers and I want them now." He demanded, his eyes casted on the ground. I remained silent, still bewildered by his sudden, unjustified presence.

" Why are you here?"

" You captured me, Harry, remember?"

" You could have escaped if you wanted to. You didn't put up a fight. Why?"

" Why don't you chain me again? This isn't going anywhere."

" Dammit, Autumn, I'm trying to understand here." He laid both hands onto his head, his whole figure rocking back and forth in distress.

" What's wrong with you? Why are you so eager to listen to me? You had no problem believing the shit that Niall fed you without even asking me about it."

" Asking you? Because you're always so truthful and easy to talk to?"

" I might have been! The point is that you didn't give it a second thought before throwing me in here." He quickly rose from his seat, knocking the chair down, before turning towards me in pure fury.

" Don't act like you wouldn't have done the same thing, Autumn!"

" You're right. I would have, but you're supposed to be better, remember? You're supposed to be fucking human, Harry."

" Maybe I'm not. Maybe I don't want to be. Why does everyone expect me to be good when everything around me is so fucking bad?"

" Nobody is expecting shit from you, you just are, Harry. You're just good, and no amount of bad can ever change that about you." He was pacing the floor, his arms captured around his back, and I was certain there was a visible track where his feet hit the ground.

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