Chapter 1 Blink-182

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He wasn't like anything I'd ever seen before. Sure, there are plenty of other guys out there that I think are attractive, but this one was different. The instant I saw him, it was like time had frozen; I couldn't keep my eyes off of the miraculous boy. Talking to him was one thing I was determined to do, so I did. And I had no idea that it would change my life forever.

Let me start fresh. My name is Parker Reed. I'm fifteen years old but, my maturity level would tell you otherwise. People find it amusing, actually.

I guess you could say I'm just an average girl with a weird, laid back, and funny personality. My life kind of sucks. I don't have an evil step mother or anything like that, oh no, it's just boring as fuck. It's just the same routine over and over again. Who wants that?

Not me.

Summer break is coming up and I just need a desperate change in life. I'm sick and tired of the same thing happening. Where's the excitement?

That's when my best friend, Alyssa, answered my question for me. She had texted me about a Blink-182 concert the upcoming Saturday. Immediately, I responded; blink is one of my favorite bands.

"Hell yes!"
I felt my heart race as my thumbs danced across the keyboard.

"Sounds good, feels good! I'll pick you up at 7:30," she texted back.
Alyssa's sixteen, so she's got her license and all.

I flung my phone onto my bed and ran into my moms room.

"Blink!!" I screamed and started to jump up and down.

She froze and started to blink her eyes rapidly.

"No no no!" I laughed at her.
"There's a blink 182 concert tomorrow and Alyssa invited me!! Can I go, please?!"
Getting down on one knee, I grabbed her wrist as if asking her hand in marriage.

"You're and idiot," she said chuckling. "It's fine with me."

I let go of her hand and jumped up, hugging her. "Ahh! Thank you!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran back to my room, accidentally slamming the door.

For celebration, I turned on my favorite blink album and danced all around my room. Tomorrow was going to be epic and I couldn't wait.

After what felt like an hour of dancing, I sat down on my bed, out of breath. I swear I dropped at least five pounds. Which was good cause I'm a thick girl.

The sweat was making me feel all nasty so, I hopped in the shower real quick before going to bed. Trying to retain my excitement was almost impossible as I tried to fall asleep. Fortunately, I managed to drift off.
The sun was shining through my curtains when I woke up. It lit up my room and made my deep red walls brighten a bit. Just like any other morning, I checked my social media and shiz before finally deciding to go downstairs.

I suddenly remembered the concert and had an odd urge to run and scream like a complete idiot; and that's what I did.
When I got to the steps, I didn't even think about slowing my pace. As I ran swiftly down the staircase, my foot missed a step and I tripped.
The tumble down was loud and painful. I hit my head on almost every step during my descent.

When I reached the bottom, I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Parker! Are you okay?" My mom asked sounding concerned, but I caught a glimpse of a smile on her face.

Instead of complaining, or crying out in pain, I started to laugh at my clumsiness. My mom realized I was okay and she started to laugh, too.

"I'm fine Ma," I said, standing up and rubbing my head.

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