Out In The Woods

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Behind me as a tall locked gate and everywherearound me battles for survival waged.
I had to get out... But how? The padlock seemed rusty but when i tried to break it it proved me wrong.
Its jey must be with its keeper, but who is he? And wherr is he? Is he alive or do i have to loot his body? The problem is that they all look almost the same in wolf form.
And where do their clothes go? Think straight mado u have to go out get something flamable and be back quick... What do I do? How do I do it? And where?
I looked to the sky, the sun had begun setting and the moon was emrging from its slumber. Not much time left for light. I need that light to navigate in there... I have to act quick. But how will i leave?
I just watched in awe and disgust as each side tore flesh off the other sinking their teeth deep inside. Oceans of blood formed in their wake.
But how will i leave?
Then I got it! What i did earlier to escape my death... To dodge Crotia's blade.
But will i make itback in time gor lécus?
Who else must die in order for this massacre to end?
What are they even fighting about?
But these questions have to waut right now I must save my savior.
I engolfed my body in black and looked at the top of the gate... Seconds later i was there, but my blood was freezing and my palms were sweating. This drains power if your not used to it and so I jumped down inorder to maintain some strength for the journey ahead

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