Lecus Line

51 14 4

"We will need the following" I began as Luna, Claire and Margaret came around me.

"one a flammable source to keep the fire burning while we boil" I stated, " and then a bowl that can withstand the heat, finally something to control the fire, as for making the fire..."

I took out a lighter from my bag as they all came closer to me

"I will use this to start it"

"what is that?" asked Claire

"It seems too familiar to me" 

"so what is the first item on the list?" asked Luna

"fire wood!"

"what is that?

"right there is no wood here the trees are concrete" i whispered to myself "what should? or could we burn to boil the leaves?"

"as for a bowl that can hold heat" began Claire as the other two stared at her " i have hidden this bowl" she gets up and reaches for under her bed " since the dreadful day as a reminder of what was..."


and now... the last thing we need other than the first is... stone... something to contain the fire"

"and this fire hood you speak of? where can we get some?"

"are the trees here flammable?" I asked as they all laughed hard at me


"it seems you didn't just loose your memory but also your wits! I knew this was too good to be true!"

it seemed logical that the trees would burn to me but I guess concrete is still no flammable...

where can we get wood? stone is plenty and the bowl is covered... but the wood? 



the battle outside still raged as Sol sat next to Lecus

"which way to the forest?"

"are you crazy?"

"we have to find something flammable!"

"so we go after a myth you just made up on the spot?"

"Its a matter of life and death we have to take our chances or Lecus will be lost!"

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