First Flash-Back

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the sound of feet crashing on the pavement floor fills the city as millions of people rush towards the safety bunkers.

A man cradling a child completely burnt and bleeding from head to toe rushes through the crowd as his wife follows him dragging two children with her.
" its ok son help is on the way" the father assures his son as he reaches the entrance.

" five hundred dollars per adult two fifty per kid!" echoes the guards voice from a top the gate.

"but i have an injured child! Can't i pay you after i bring him in?"

"that will be one thousand and seven fifty sir!" insisted the guard as a window opened at the side of the bunker while he slowly took aim at the man.

My dad just cracked open his wallet and handed in the cash before rushing into the bunker my mother and siblings behind him.

Wish i killed him, but karma's a bitch. He was the first to die from the disease.

my dad made a bee line to the medical center burrowing me in his arms so no one harms me as he dodges the men and women that were panicking hysterically.

when we arrived he placed me on a gurdy with three nurses.

As the staff pulled me away i began shouting for my father.


But my voice was took weak. I tried pointing to him as tears conquered my face and shout again... but to no avail. all i could do was watch myself get dragged into the emergency room as my parent's tears filled their faces.

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