The New Alpha

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It has been two days since I last ate or drank anything, the hunger, the thirst, both of them have surpassed the threshold of need and are now echoing in my belly like a broken record. They grumble for sustenance, both needs not satiated.

My only options at the moment are three. The first one is to dig for worms as i did back in hell, the second is to scavenge for fruit or anything at all edible. My last option however is to devour the "wolf" that just tried to kill me, and that seems more satisfying to my desire than the first two.

I crouched next to this beast's corpse and dug my way in, clawed out chunks of meat. As I focused on my hunger and its fulfillment i didn't notice that another one of those things crawled behind me, and when i noticed it... I thought it was too late.
Yet it didn't attack it just stood there sniffing at me. Just smelling me, taking my scent. Then it just sat there staring at me for 10 seconds before asking me. " so won't the alpha howl?"

"what alpha?" I inquired but it just tilted its head. I guess it didn't get my question so i asked it again.
Then it said, " why are you using the tongue of the humans?"
" because i am one!" To which it replied, " howl at the moon and you shall speak the language if the superior! Embrace the moon, take it in your heart, let it's shadow shower upon you. May it guide you and our pack in the ways of the ancient. Take up your responsibility. You, my alpha, are now one of us. Cherish it."

I just stood there confused. I had just killed one of them, presumably the alpha, and this wolf says I'm their leader? I just ran away but the wolf didn't follow me.

What is going on? First shadows and now i own wolves? Just then the pain in my toe cracked its threshold and I collapsed unable to get up or move, i just sat there as my black blood gushed out of my split toe.

"Black blood? What the? Isn't blood red? What is happening to me?" Raced through my mind as my hunger peaked again. I tore a piece if my shirts and used it to cover and tighten my toe to stop the bleeding. Guess the hiking boots are useless.

I crawled a few feet needing water as my throat was on fire by now. Hunger git the best of me as well the concrete on the trees looked so good.

I have to find sustenance and medication soon. A lot of blood loss will be extremely dangerous since health insurance doesnt cover a
Life threatening apocalypse injuries. And the nearest hospital is centuries ago.

"Oh God why did you bestow this upon us" where my last thoughts as everything around me faded to black slowly.

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