First Steps

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Its been two days since i left that forsaken hole and all i see is a collection of concrete trees.
other than chirps and howls i can't see or hear any form of life in this territory .

I just kept walking forward and forward until it started to feel like I'm just going in circles. that is... until my first kill.
I was walking around this concrete forest trying to find my way out when a wolf like creature attacked me. It had red glowing eyes, its spine was outside its body and had sharp fins, its teeth glowed a deathly yellow, and its paws were made of bones. I quickly sprinted to safety but it kept chasing me.
My heart was racing, raging, just trying to jump out of my chest and onto the ground just so it could have a running chance.

My foot got caught in something though. It cracked my toe into two, it was a concrete root, and i tripped and fell. I ignored the jolting pain even when its spark was unbearable and crawled slowly away as that "wolf" crept closer with an evil smile about it and hunger, lust in its eyes. it was growling and eyeing my every move.

When it pounced i quickly grabbed my hands and formed a shield for my face from them. one second passed, three, ten, nothing. i brought down my defense and saw the weirdest thing ever. a shadow spear slicing it in the center of its throat.
As I stood the spear faded away and the "wolf collapsed to the floor. I just stood there looking, staring at its dead body trying to conjure that spear again.
" was it me? is this a joke? is someone setting me up?" are the questions that came to my mind but i couldn't bring the spear back, all i could do was change the shape of my shadow, but then I noticed something.

The "wolf's" paw had a yellow glow. when i grabbed it to see what it was... my wrist opened up and swallowed the yellow light. the next few hours were a blur of pain and agony, they where also filled with a lot of howling.

I haven't eaten anything or drank water for 2 days now. Hope I find something before I starve!

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