Margaret's story... interupted

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"You see he didn't really save me, he fainted as he also got hit by the blast, he just made the first step. His father completed the task and carried us both but lay me down where it would be safe. If not for him I would've been dead by now.

I owe him my life. I just wish i knew where he is or if he is fine... He was cute though... And he looked a bit like you... Messy brown hair... Lively hazel eyes. You could pass out as twins."

Just then the door crashed open as a man in the middle of transforming rushed in.

"Luna! Sol! we need you two to help your mother! The Felorns are attacking us!" He shouted as the two rushed out.

Me and Lécus followed them out only to witness a head on battle between the mutant wolves and mutant jaguars that are basically the same as the caetins... except they are jaguars.

" Defend  the Den!"



" For the Night Orb!"


" For honor!

all screamed and attacked each other.

The shouts filled the night sky.

As i approached the battle field slowly, one of the "Felorns" ran at me.

I quickly fled, ran for my life! my heart was racing, raging, it was practically jumping and beating to the rhythm of that creatures paws!

My body slowly turned black as red patches lit up inside me. 

what was happening to me? 

fear was taking over! my legs went numb. I couldn't feel my hands. my stomach went queasy. and then time stopped.

I saw everything, i was everything, i was with everything.

Caetins biting into Felorns. Felorns scratching out the eyes of the Caetins. and it seemed the general was chasing me... why me?

my shadow evaporated... it was no longer there!

i looked behind me and there it was! The Felorn! it was in mid air pouncing at me. had my body not dissolved into powder, i would have been dead. everything went black. i saw, heard and spoke nothing.

only to find myself at the roof of one of the metal homes.

I looked back at the scene to survey my options.

Lecus was now growling at the general and it just sat there laughing at him before drawing out its claws. " your kind killed my son! now I shall kill yours!" it laughed.

all around caetins and Felorns are dying .

and I am faced once more with the same questions.

is it fight? or flight?

and if I choose to fight... whose side do I choose?

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