21- not a second time

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Days must of passed before anything else happened. Apart from the pain that never seemed to leave, things pretty much returned to the way they were. A grunt came in to bring me food every few hours and occasionally a scientist would come to do some work of some sort but other then taking another 'sample' of my blood after the experiment, they ignored me. Night was still being silent and I was actually starting to worry about her but I was to busy with my own problems to worry about her to much, how much trouble could she be in.

The experiment had left even weaker then before and I knew it was completely hopeless to try and escape on my own. Even if Guardian was now fully healed, I doubt I could keep myself standing long enough to find my other Pokemon and a way out of here. I could barely stand the breaks I got to go to the bathroom, I could go on for hours and not find a way. Looks like I have to wait for my guardian angle after all.

I practically jump out of my skin when someone enters the room, advancing on me in my cage. I push myself away from the door, knowing that it wouldn't be anyone coming to bring me food, I'd eaten only a few hours ago. The door was opened and one day of the scientists peered in at me. He gave me a look of no emotion and examined me slightly, looking me up and down.

"Time for more tests girl." He snorted.

I shook my head, grabbing onto the bars at the back of the cage I case he tried to drag me out. "Please no." I begged, tears sprung to my eyes at the memory of the pain I'd faced only days ago. I wasn't ready for more pain, I couldn't handle anymore of it.

A sudden jolt of pain to my arm made me wrench it away from the side of the cage. I saw another scientist there, holding an empty needle. Whatever he put in my system had immediate effect, causing me to feel dizzy. My vision eventually gave out completely, all my senses did actually but I was still awake and able to think without a problem.

When my senses did finally return I was back to being strapped to the table with my hands above my head. I didn't even attempt to hide my panic as I yanked on the cuffs above my head and struggled to get my ankles free. I didn't what this, I didn't want to feel that again. I don't think I could survive it.

The two scientists in the room went over notes and discussed things in small voices.

One of them glanced at me struggling against my restraints. He whispered something to his companion and he looked at me also.

"Please." I begged, a tear slipping from my eye. "Don't do it. I-I can't..." I burst into tears, all the pain and fear rushing out of me at once.

The scientists ignored my consistent pleas for this to stop as they continued going over notes of their previous test on me and the samples of the blood they'd taken from me.

The door opened and I saw Maxine and Lopez enter. I inwardly cursed at myself for letting them see me this weak and afraid.

They both snickered at me while I looked away, trying to calm myself down. They turned to the scientists, asking if I was ready to begin.

"Her physical state is not the best it could be, no where near as the sate of her first arrival, and mentally as well as emotionally, she's a complete mess."

Thank you for telling the world that because it is totally not something that I like to keep to myself, anyway, wouldn't be obvious by the fact that I can't stop myself from crying right now... And what do they expect after caging me for longer then a week in a cage I can barely sit upright in and performing inhuman experiments on me.

"I don't care let's begin, now." Maxine sneered, smirking in my direction.

One of the scientists nodded, carefully picking up a large needle from the bench next to him.

"Please don't." I begged, tears streaming down my face as I buried my head into my arm that had been forced above my head. "Please."

They paid no attention to my begging. The scientist aimed the needle above my arm but before he could jab it into my arm, the room filled with smoke.

I took a deep breath in, breathless from my previous sobbing, it was a big mistake as smoke filled my lungs and I started to cough instantly. The cuffs were suddenly removed from my ankles and not soon after, my wrists. I recoiled into a tight ball for a moment before trying to make my way off the table.

My hand slipped off the edge and I was sent crashing to the floor. I cried out in pain, still unable to breath properly from the smoke. I became aware of the shouts of the scientists and admins in the room so I recoiled under the table hugging myself with one arm in fear while using the other to raise the collar of my jumper over my nose and mouth in order to help filter the smoke. My head was become dizzy and vision blurred for the second time in less then a few hours.

I sneezed my eyes shut, trying to figure out what to do when something gently wrapped itself around my wrist, instantly helping to calm me. I was lightly tugged in the direction it wanted me to go. I allowed it to pull me to my feet and lead me to where ever it wanted to take me. My vision was still to blurred to see who was leading me but their aura was good so I allowed them to lead me down countless halls and eventually, outside.

My first breaths of freedom was like finding the flower of spring. I was still freaking out internally, still cry and struggling to breath nut one I got outside I relaxed a bit.

I ran after my saviour for as long as I was able but eventually my legs gave out from under me, sending me crashing into a patch of clovers. The last thing I saw before I slipped into unconsciousness was an unforgettable pair of sapphire blue eyes flecked with crimson red watch me slip away completely.

Word count: 1829

Anyone who pays attention to character descriptions should know who saved Emma but anyone who doesn't is going to love me next chapter.

Two chapters in one day ^.^ I'm awesome. For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet. I'm writing. New book called 'First Freedom' it would be amazing if you went a checked it out.


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