Chapter 1: Business Trip

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¤Your POV¤
I was eating my breakfast quietly until I heard someone come into the kitchen. I looked down to see Sofi with tears in her eyes. I kneeled down to level my height with hers. "Why are you crying Sofi?" She didn't answer my question she just clinged onto me for dear life.

"I had a dream, well it was more of a nightmare, I dreamed that you left. Then I woke up looking for you and I went into your room and you weren't there so I thought you actually had left. I don't want you to leave y/n. Mom and dad always leave, I don't want you to be next." Sofia cried into my shoulder. I hugged her back tightly, why would she think that I'd leave? Maybe because mom and dad always go on 'business trips', by business trips I mean vacations to get away from us. They go out of town at least twice a week.

"I'd never leave you Sofi. If I do leave I'll make sure I take you with me. I'll never go anywhere without you." Sofia sniffled and gave me a sad smile. I kissed her forehead and ruffled her hair. "Lets eat breakfast baby girl." I served Sofi some cereal and lifted her onto my lap. We ate breakfast calmly and we watched cartoons afterwards. In the corner of my eye I saw Camila coming downstairs.

"Morning shit head." I said playfully she stuck her tongue out at me and ran her hands through her hair. Camila came and sat next to me on the couch. "You're not going to eat breakfast?" I asked with a concerned tone in my voice as I raised my eyebrow at her.

"No, I need to lose weight!" Camila exclaimed and I nudged her. I slapped her on the back of the head and kissed her cheek. "You're such an idiot Mila, you're perfect the way you are. Go eat breakfast before I shove some food down your throat, don't even try me because you know I don't play." Camila groaned and went into the kitchen. Sinuhe and Alejandro came down the stairs with suitcases in their hands.

"Camila in the living room now!" Sinuhe shouted and I scoffed. Camila came running into the living room with a bowl of cereal in her hands. "Can't you just let her eat?" I snarled at them and they glared at me.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Y/N Cabello Estrabao! I am your mother and you will respect me!" Sinuhe growled at me and I chuckled.

"I don't have to respect anyone who doesn't respect me. You say you're my mother but in reality I used to take care of myself and now I take care of my two sisters. You are a pathetic excuse for a mother." I raised my voice angrily. Sofi flinched and I immediately regretted my outburst. I kissed the side of Sofia's head and wrapped my arm around her.

"Why don't you go play upstairs Sofi? I'll go up in a minute to check on you." Sofi nodded her head and walked to her room. Once she was out of sight I sat Camila down in the kitchen and kissed her head.

"Stay here and eat your breakfast Camz, no matter what they say don't go into the living room, I'll handle this." Camila frowned but stayed put. I went back into the living room and stared at my parents.

"Let me guess you're leaving on a business trip again?" I spat out at them and Alejandro glared at me. "Yes we are, we won't be back for 2 months. We are very busy." Alejandro explained and I gave him a sarcastic laugh.

"Two months? What, are you guys going to Hawaii or something! You're really leaving us alone for two whole months. WHAT GREAT PARENTS YOU ARE!" I emphasized my words, my voice dripping cold. Sinuhe raised her hand to hit me but I quickly caught her wrist and pushed her off me.


"Just leave you piece of shit and this time don't bother coming back." My words were harsh and sharp but at this point I didn't care. Camila ran into the room and pushed me off Sinuhe.

"Y/N please calm down. Look at me, copy my breathing." Camila sat me down on the couch and I looked into her brown orbs. My breathing slowed down and I took a deep breath.

"Why can't you be more like your sister?" Alejandro spat at me and I smirked.

"I was like her, don't you remember? But all you did was take advantage of my respect for you. You took away my childhood and you made me fall into depression! You are the reason why I act like this! So don't fucking ask me why I can't be more like Camila. I refuse to let you push me around again." I stood up and kicked the table causing it to flip over. Camila flinched and took a step back.

"I am not going to stand here and take this disrespect anymore, your father and I are leaving and we have hired someone to keep an eye on you." Sinuhe turned around and walked out of the door with Alejandro following behind her. I sat down on the couch angrily and Sofia came running down the stairs.

"Are you okay y/n?" Sofi asked softly, I nodded and sat her down on my lap.

"Mom and Dad went to work, they'll be back in two months." I said softly and Sofi nodded. The doorbell rang and Camila nervously glanced at the door and looked back at me. I moved Sofi off my lap and opened the door.

"Who the hell are you?"

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