Chapter 7

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Tris POV
As soon as i wake up i get dressed in to some black skinny jeans, a black crop top with a black leather jacket and to top it off my black sneakers. I pretty much love the colour black, but what do you expect? Im dauntless! As i'm walking down i brace myself because i know i am going to be shot at with questions but yet again maybe if i am quiet enough i can sneak right past them to get to the cafeteria. Just as my hand reaches the door handle i am brung out of victory by the sound of someone clearing their throat i turn and see Zeke with his arms crossed looking angry , he breaks the silence "your not going anywhere until you explain where you were last night" i sigh and sit on the coach he follows and looks at me expectantly then says "sooooo?" "I was... at Lynns just talking". Great now i'm going to have to tell Lynn to lie to them for me. He nods his head i think he brought it. He grabs his jacket and says "Ok lets go to the cafeteria i'm starving. Uriah's already down there." And with that we leave.
Tobias POV
I walk to the gangs table at the cafeteria and everyone is there. I take a seat opposite Tris who is sitting in between Lynn and Marlene, she smiles at me and i smile back. I see Tris whisper in to Lynn's ear and Lynn nods, i wonder what that's about, then Uriah raises one eyebrow at Tris and asks "so where were you last night?" before Tris can even answer Zeke says "she was at Lynn's" "Doing what?" "Just talking apparently".  Realisation hits me that's probably what she was speaking to Lynn about i can't help but laugh because they actually just brought that Tris does too but we stop because everyone stares at us and asks us whats so funny we look at each other and then i say "urm... Tris said something funny" she gives me a face that says i'm gonna kill you. Zeke looks at me impatiently and says " well... What was it then?" I can feel my face heating up and reply with "oh... Uh... I forgot". They shoot me and Tris a strange look but then carry on eating.
Tris POV
Earlier at breakfast was so awkward, i mean he could of found a better way to try and cover that up. Me and four are meeting up again tonight but this time i wont be so late so i don't make my annoying brothers suspicious.
We are all sitting down in the cafeteria for dinner. Tobias says he is going to his apartment ,so it doesn't look too obvious i wait 10 minutes before i announce " I'm gonna go to the training room i think i left something there earlier" Way to go Tris that couldn't of sounded any worse, luckily everyone is too busy eating to pay full attention to what i was saying so in reply i get a chorus of yeahs and sures.
I arrive at the training room because that's where i arranged to meet Tobias. As soon as i step in someone picks me up bridal style and spins me around i let out a high pitch squeal, I know it's Tobias , he sets me down and he looks in my eyes for a minute and then his lips crash on to mine. When we break apart he looks down at me and says "Hows has your say been Ms Pedrad?" I reply "Good! How was yours?" "It was ok i got a little shaken up because we did fear landscapes, Amar and well everyone else has started calling me four because that's my number of fears. I am kind of glad about having a new name because i can let go of my past and be someone else. But you can still call me Tobias, i like it when you say my name" i smile at him.
We part ways and i am half way home but i trip and fall hitting my head on the concrete , my vision begins to blur , the last thing i see is blood pooling around my head then everything turns black...

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