Chapter 27: Hemingway

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I was in front of the Henderson's house the family that offered to take care of Hemmy while Pete was away.

"Hello, can I help you with something?" a young blonde says opening the door.

"Yeah, I'm Patrick Stump we talked earlier on the phone."

"Oh, your here to pick of Hemingway. Hi my name is Penny, nice to meet you" she says extending her hand. I smiled and shook it nicely.

"Let me call him... Hemmy, come here boy."

I looked inside the house and saw him running this way. I got down on his level and started to call him.

Once he got towards the door, He began licking my face. "I missed you too, buddy."

Penny laughed. "He has been really good these past two years."

"He has really grown, thanks a lot for taking care of him he."

"No need it was fun having him and here I have packed everything Hemmy likes."

I stand up and take the bag from her hand. "Say goodbye Hemingway we need to go home."

"Bye, boy" she says petting his head, he barks and wags his tail.

Once we finally made inside Pete's house Hemmy immediately runs back and fourth all around the house, I think he was looking for Pete. Everything was exactly as before. Dallon always made sure this place was clean.

Hemingway finally stopped looking and sat on the couch I sat right next to him "daddy isn't home Hemmy, but he will be soon."

I stood up and walked into the kitchen, everything was empty, I should go grocery shopping later. I walked up stairs into the bedroom, I layed myself on the bed staring up at the ceiling. I few minutes later I heard Hemmy coming up the stairs and into the room.

I patted down on the bed, and he happily got up the bed lying right next to me.


"Ugh, it's hurts so much Trick."

"Pete, I told you not to eat so much pizza."

He shook his head. "I couldn't help myself it was so delicious... we should order from that place more often."

"So you could have another upset stomach?"

"It will be worth. Besides your my best remedy to everything."

"And how I'm suppose to help you get rid of your upset stomach?"

"Ummm... Kiss it better" he says. I chuckled and shook my head "I don't think so."

"Come on Pattycakes you know you want to" he says lying on my lap.

I lifted up his shirt tracing his stomach with my fingers. I leaned down giving small kisses on his stomach. I continue kissing him all the way down to his bat tattoo, I decided to trace it with my lips. I felt Pete's hands on my head, making me face him. "I don't think we should be doing anything like this right now."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well for one thing, Hemmy is right there."

I looked straight up Hemmy was staring at us, with a blanket expression.

"And also, my stomach still hurts... So I'm going to need more kisses."

I pushed Pete off my lap and started walking upstairs.

"Hey, wait were are you going?"

"If you want anymore kisses, your going to have to get upstairs."

End of Flashback)

Everything in this house, has the most amazing memories of what Pete and I did. It wouldn't be the same without him here.

(If there are any mistakes in this, I'm sorry. I've been sick all week and I'm trying to update most of my stories this weekend, still hope you enjoyed)

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