Chapter 15: I'm Like A Lawyer

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"Mr. Wentz I think that last comment was unnecessary for that question. Besides it won't help you at all in this case?"

"Your honor I'm sorry but I'm just speaking the absolute truth, I mean I did say the Oath before I
I started my testimony."

He sighed. "Where is your lawyer Wentz?"

"I didn't want one, I know I'm capable of explaining this whole situation to you and the jury."

"Mr. Wentz, I suggest you get one. I mean you are being judged on a serious crime."

"Your honor, Patrick Stump is sixteen he knew what we were both getting ourselves into."

"Still under age Wentz. The age of consent is seventeen not sixteen."

"Yes, but I'm only five years older then him. I seen relationships that are many more years apart."

"Let's just hope the jury will keep that in mind. Let me ask you a question Wentz. Why did you choose Patrick? I mean you are quite young and could have a stable relationship with someone your own age?"

"I didn't choose Patrick, your honor. Things between him and me just happened. Throughout my two years of teaching, I never through I would fall for one of my students."

"Let's just continue and think about getting some lawyers advice. If you don't want one to represent you in the court."

"Okay Mr.Wentz" the man with light brown hair says. "What made Patrick Stump special for you to... Fall for him."

"The first day of school, I throught there was something special in him. The way he sung to me that day we were in the music room together. He gave my life a whole different meaning."

"What was your life like before you met Patrick Stump."

"It wasn't terrible. I had my job as a teacher after years of college. Finally had my own place..."

"And your love life, What was it like before Stump."

"I had one night stands with both women and men now and then. Really nothing stable, but I wasn't looking at the time."

"I guess Stump was not a one night?"

"No, with Patrick it was either forget what happened or have a stable relationship."

"I see, No more questions for now your honor."

"This court is now adjourn until nine a.m. tomorrow morning please escort the defendant out. Oh and Wentz get that lawyer advice."

"I will don't worry."

I looked back at Patrick 'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

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