Chapter 23: Runaway

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(I feel bad about how short the other chapter was not even 300 words so here's a little longer chapter)

"Tonight is it Pete. Did you change your mind about coming with us?" Andy says.

"Nope. I still plan on staying here until my sentence is up. I would have changed my mind in other circumstances, but it's just..."

"That kid of yours, I'm I right?"

I nodded. "I know I still have a quiet of bit of time here, but I can't risk anything that can prevent me from seeing Patrick any longer."

"He's a kid Pete. He probably found himself some other guy and forgot everything about you by now."

"Not him Andy. He is different, not from the rest of the guys I've been with."

"You know that's exactly what I said before I killed my wife for sleeping with my best friend. I guess my jealousy got to my head. So I really don't think Patrick is any different."

"I think you would have to meet him before you think like that."

"Yeah maybe your right."


"What, what's going on Gerard?"

"Some of the prisoners started early before schedule and they began to attack the west side blocks we have to get out now!"

"Fuck... Lets go then!"

"Are you coming Wentz?"


We all heard sirens go off, people screaming, and dogs growling.

"They are locking down the prison let's go now!" Geared says dragging me by the wrist.

I tried telling him to let me go, but it was no use he couldn't hear me from all the chaos that was going around. There were prisoners attacking police man, fires being spread. I didn't want I be part of this, and now my only option was to run and get out as fast as possible.

We reached the outside of the prison before hearing a gun shoot and Andy crying in pain.

I stopped running going back to Andy. "Shit are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... But I can't run. You have to go now if you don't want to get caught."

I shook me head.

"Pete catch up to Gerard leave!"

"I'm not going anywhere... Your my friend."

"I got some sir." a police man yelled. "Both of you hands in the air now!"

We put our hands up to only be handcuff once again. This is not how I wanted things to happen. For now I just wanted someone to take care of Andy's wound.

"Help him!" I said.

"Remain silent, you two are in a whole lot of trouble."


"Shoot Pete I don't know how I'm going to get you out of this one."

"Dallon listen I didn't want to escape I was dragged into the whole thing."

"Do you think they're going to believe that?"

"They have too it's the truth!" I yelled.

"Okay Pete I'll try to do everything I can... but you could forget about leaving here earlier I don't think that's going to happen."

"I don't care as long as I don't get my sentence any longer then it already is."

"Okay, I'll be on my way then." he says standing up.

"Wait Dallon what about Andy?"

"I can't help him if he doesn't want it. Besides he's accused of murder. That isn't much help either. At least this is your first warning so I'll let you know what's up."

"And Patrick anything new about him?"

"Patrick is still in France at the boarding school I mentioned you that's all I know. But remember not to tell anyone you know."

I nodded. "I know, don't worry about it."

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