Chapter 7: I'd Do It All Again

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"Patrick, have you consider the fact that you might just be confused on what you are feeling for Wentz?"

"No, I know exactly how I feel and I'd do it all over again."

"Just think about... You never had a established relationship before, you might just have temporary feelings, that can make you think it's love."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Oh, so you did have a relationship, before Wentz."

"Yes, my freshman year."

"How long were you guys dating?"

"We only dated for three months."

"How did you guys break up?"

I paused for a moment before answering. "He cheated on me with another guy."


"Hey babe."

"William." I said hugging him. "You made it?"

"Yeah, Brendon went all out for his Birthday Party this year."

"Yup, he says you only turn sixteen once."

"Speaking of turning sixteen once, your birthday is also coming up soon baby."

"Yeah I know, I'm getting old."

He laughed. "Never" he kissed me gently on my lips.

"Let's go join the Party." I nodded.

We all started dancing and singing, just a couple of teenagers having fun. Everything was going great this year.

"Hey Patrick, you mind helping me with Brendon's gift real fast?"


Joe pulled me by my arm. "I'll bring him back William." and dragged my upstairs.

"You seem really happy today" Joe says, as I help him wrap his gift.

"Yeah, well it's my best friend's birthday."

"You sure, it doesn't have to do with William?" he smirked.

"Shut up. Okay, maybe a little. I mean it's been three months now since we dated."

"Yeah, and?"

"I think William wants to...."

"Patrick, you little dirty mined boy."

"Your not helping."

"You know I'm probably not the best person to give advice about this, but dude if your really sure go for it."

"Thanks Joe."

"Yeah, but if it turns up he's not so good, don't blame that on me."

"Joe!" I chuckled.

"I'm serious Patrick-"

"What are you guys doing in my room, my Party is out there... You guys are like my guests of honor."

"Happy Birthday Brendon!!" we both yelled.

We all made it downstairs, lots of people arrived while we were gone, Brendon is so social either that or these people just came here for a good time.

I spotted Spencer dancing with a girl. "Hey, have you seen William?"

"Yeah, I think I saw him go outside."


I walked outside, looking for William, I felt my heart raced. He was kissing someone outside the front porch.

I wanted to turn around and leave, but I felt like my feet were cinder blocks, keeping me put.

I saw William looking at me. He broke the kiss, with the other guy. "Patrick."

"Don't... Just don't say anything, I'm done."

"Patrick it's not-"

"What... It's not how it looks like, typical excuse" I tryed not to cry and maintained a blank expression.

"Patrick just listen please..." he pulled me, by my arm towards him.

I pushed him away. "Don't touch me ever again."


"Just... Leave and take your boy toy with you!"

End of Flashback)

"He left after that, and I never saw him again, and I'm glad."

"Why is that Mr. Stump?"

"Because I knew the type of boyfriend he was, and mostly because I found someone better then him, Pete."

(A/N I was not sure if I wanted to post this chapter at first, but it describes a little of Patrick's past before he met Pete)

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