Chapter 13: Drop A Heart, Break A Name

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"Mrs. Stump, your son Patrick says you never suspected a thing when he told you were he was going on Fridays?"

"Yes, well I raised Patrick to always be a responsible young man, and to know about right and wrong... But I guess I failed to teach him correctly."

"So no suspension. Would you call any of the house holds like the Urie's, Smith's or Trohman's to check on Patrick?"

"No Patrick had a cell phone and if something happened I would contact him right away."

"Mrs. Stump would you look through and check on your son's phone, just to make sure he wasn't doing anything inappropriate?"

"No, I trusted Patrick... But I guess I was wrong about him. I should have kept a closer eye."

"Do you blame yourself for what your son did?"

"Yes. I think I failed as a mother. If I spent more time teaching Patrick about sex offenders, this wouldn't have happened."

Sex offenders? I really wanted to yell at her for saying that. I know my mom loves me, and she taught me so much.

I am aware about love. I know exactly how I feel, about Pete. My mom has always treated me as child, who never knows better.

"Mrs. Stump how did you find out about the relationship between your son Patrick and his teacher Mr. Pete Wentz?"

"Well... Patrick said he was going to be gone for the weekend, off with Brendon and Joe. I always gotten along with Patrick's friends and I always said yes to him going, just as long He was safe and I knew were he was. Since it was Friday, I had to work a afternoon shift. I got ready and left in a hurry, because it was getting late. My work place is about twenty minutes away from home. While I was driving I noticed fifteen minutes in, I noticed was missing some work papers I needed to complete and turned back around to get them. And... Then I stepped in side my house and I saw Mr. Wentz kissing my baby boy Patrick."

"What was your reaction Mrs. Stump? What did you do next?"

"I didn't believe what I saw they started back at me frightened. I didn't know what was happening. I throught Patrick was with his friends, but I find his teacher sticking his tongue down my Rick's throat."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. She didn't tell them about the part were Pete and I try to tell her what happened, and how she would ignore us and called the police instead. We should have left, we had the time.

"You brainwashed my son!" she yelled looking at Pete.

"Mrs. Stump please calm down" the judge says.

"My son was good. He would have never done any of this if you weren't teaching him anything but english!"

She then instantly stood up from the stand and went toward Pete. Thankfully security was able to stop her before she did anything.

"Mrs. Stump based on your attitude and your testimony I think I heard enough please sit down or leave the courtroom" the judge says.

My mom backed off, and sat back down. I knew she wouldn't leave, she told me that before anything she wanted to see Pete behind bars.

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