Chapter 17: Kiss Me

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"Okay Pete, the Juge has allowed you to talk to Patrick about the situation, but only for ten minutes." Dallon says.

"That's great. When do I get to see him?" I said with excitement.

"He outside right now. I'll call him in and we can all talk."

"All talk?"

"Pete you are not allowed to be in a room alone with Patrick. He is under age and his mother wouldn't allow it."

I sighed.

"Think about it this way. There are no windows, no cameras, and your free to walk around the room, with no strings attached."

"So your going to let me be with Patrick with no objections."

"I didn't say that, but if you happen to kiss or hug Patrick at the given time, I won't stop you."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"I really shouldn't be doing this. Just keep it under the radar, since I'm in here."

I nodded.

"Okay, let me call in Patrick."

I sat up once Patrick enters the room. "Patrick..."

"Pete!" he says as he runs towards me.

I hug him tightly. "Ah... how I miss you."

"Me too."

I kiss him on the lips almost desperate wanting to feel him again.

"Uh... Guys. Hate to ruin the moment but we need to talk about the case first" I heard Dallon say.

We broke apart and nodded.

"Okay, well both of you could have a seat."

There was only two chairs and a table in the entire room. I sat down pulling Patrick onto my lap. "You could have the other chair. I don't think Patrick minds sharing with me" I said to Dallon.

"Okay then. Patrick I'll get to the chase since we don't have enough time."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell him Dallon" I said.

I looked at him. "Baby I want your permission to talk about our sex life."

"Our Sex life?"

"I know your not comfortable with me telling everyone and if your not then we could testify to only a couple people not the whole court room.

Patrick nodded. "I want to tell the whole world about us."

I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Okay. Just remember not to go into detail just give them a name and who did what."

We nodded again.

"Wait, who's going to testify all this?" Patrick asked.

"Well, I'm not officially Pete's lawyer just adviser. And since Pete is doing this own his own. I don't see why he can't interrogate you.

"What I could ask Patrick all the non stop questions, they been forcing us to answer."

"I don't see why not the whole court is a mess already... So Patrick are you ready to go back on the stand."

"Yes. More then ever."

I smiled.

"Okay Pete I'm going to get you a suit to wear tomorrow and please plan out on what you plan to say to him."

"You could count on that."

"Okay well we have five minutes left. Do whatever you want but please keep it quite. Mean while I need to talk on the phone with someone."

Once Dallon sat up from his chair, I attacked Patrick's lips again. "I love you so much."

"I know. I love you too."

"So what do you want to do for the next five minutes?"

"I have no idea... But I'm glad my mom is not here."

I chuckled. "Why do you say that?"

"She tried to come in here with me but thankfully the Juge wouldn't let her."

"I'm glad. You know I think the Juge has a likely to me."

"Well who wouldn't" he says kissing me again.

"Baby if anything happens..."

"Pete don't..."

"Patrick, listen if they find me guilty I want you to be strong. Also I don't expect you to wait for me."

"Pete don't say that. I will wait everyday of my life if I have to. I'll even commit a crime just to be in the same cell as you."

"Don't say that! Okay I don't want you doing anything stupid to be in there with me. Jail isn't a nice place."

"Then don't say anything you don't know."

"I won't. Will be fine, everything will be fine."

We heard a knock on the door.
"Time is up!"

We stood up and I kissed him on the lips again. "See you tomorrow."

He hugged me tightly and nodded.

(A/N Hey guys hope your enjoying the story so far. anyway I have another Peterick up it's called 'First Thought, Best Thought' it originally from another writer
But they couldn't continue so I'm going to write it instead please check it out:)

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