Chapter 12

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This day has come. The wicked day. The day when the buried remorses shall be dug out yet again. That day is none other than the twenty-ninth of February; Margeret's Burial.

I feared such a day. I had wished such a day I would never go through. Just thinking about what may lie ahead a few hours from now makes me sick. Sick with convulsions of the heart. Such a part of me diseased. Torn to shreds.

Here I am going to St. Margeret's Church for the final check.

Gladly the skies look the murkiest black. I had intended on choosing such a wretched day for such a damnable deed. I want to feel that Providence at its worst. Pah! Good indeed they say; Providence has a jolly time twisting humans to shreds, making mirth on their pitiful shades.

I can hear none of the sermons the priest recited. None registered to my mind. All it held was the damned glorification of such a magnanimous Lord. If He were such, what did Margeret do to deserve a damned way to go? Why of all; did my darling Molly do to anyone to be lost in the wilds of a cruel jungle?

Finally it is over. Going through the arrangements if everything is in order. Seating; check. Number of occupants' arrangements; check. Musical; check. The floral decor; check. Margeret...


Basil. Keep it together. Keep it in. Not now. Just. Not now.

I take a deep breath and I go to look if the body had arrived. As it were, they were waiting for it to come.

I see the guests have started to come. The first one is Charles.

Seeing him now, he seemed as wretched as I am. He came and placed an arm behind me. Said nothing. Did nothing. But his mere presence made me feel a tinge of delight. His worn down persona makes me glad. That I am not the only one.

The brat had never for once left my side. Rather her entire focus had been upon me. Makes me cringe with disgust. I loathe her, I really do and her consistent presence helps to only elevate that loathing. There she is now sitting there and observing me like a hawk as if she'd swoop down and lung me to death.

Ha, I wish it were so. That was what I would think; I cannot imagine leaving right now. The only one who has me bear all this is Molly; if I'll find her safe, I'm ready to live through hell.

Whatever it takes.

After a few hours:

At around six, the hall was filled so let's call up for the musical to begin. And the damned hour to proceed.

The body has arrived. I withdraw myself from Charles and went at the back to check. There stood a group of people in midst of them a stretcher covered with a blanket.

They all had cleared away when I entered and I preferred it.

I uncover the sheet and behold there lies my Margeret. Such at peace. It almost feels like its a joke; anytime now she might get up and envelope me in one of her bear hugs.

I wish she did. Make everything the way it works was.

Was. I hate the word; the very thing that makes my world seem surreal. That lost world.

Darling, I regret that the way you went was the way you abhorred. At such a time, when we hadn't realized our dream. We were titling around the edge of it.

So close.

So very close.

This is the last I'll ever see you. This is the end of us. The last kiss we would ever have. The last of those lips to feel another's. Even if all I feel is bleak lifelessness, I'll nevertheless cherish this last kiss.

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