Chapter 10

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Alas, I find myself at the old man's doorstep. Let's get this unpleasent visit over and done with.

Ringing the bell... Hardly he'd come on a silent little chirp the bell made. Let's make it blare incessently as if the birdie is dying.

Ha-ha! Here he comes now, grumbling like a wild, grizzly bear he is.

"Whose there!" He rasped. Soaked till the bone as usual.

"Open the damn door!" I said.

"I ain't opening any damn doors for filth!" He roared.

I turned the knob and, as expected, it was open. I was graced by his bloodshot eyes who was only adorned in boxers and a night gown. He reeked of alcohol. I believe he existed as a being drowned in alcoholic stupors; without which he wouldn't function at all.

No doubt he least expected me at this time of the night.

I fished out the invitation from my pocket and placed it in his palm. Swaying like a drunkard he is, I would be more than happy to leave him unconscious here and now.

He took out the invite with shaky hands and read the details. I stood, trying my best to maintain my indifferent stand.

"Finally knocked her dead have ya?" A smug smile grew on his dirty face. Don't you love to make mirth on my unhappiness.

I turned to go but he lashed out for my neck and brought me to face him. "This ain't proper way of conduct to yer elder. Where's the social etiquettes I had bred in ya gone ter? Do it again!" He sounded absolutely vicious. I could smell the liquor in his breath as he spat those words at my face.

"Like hell I'd pay due 'respect' to a geezer like you." Withdrawing myself from his grip, I fixed my collar. Damn, you broke off the buttons.

"Behave for once, at least this time," I said icily.

His smile grew wider with the thick bundle of money I had given him. Without another word, he slammed the door at my face. I could hear him laugh. The damned oaf.

Dashing well you escaped just now. I would have bashed your grim face there and then. The audacious idea he had!

My visits with him always put me at the worst of moods. This was no different. No, this was the same. Routine. The only damnable thing that hadn't changed.

It's about to be nine o'clock. I killed two birds with one stone. Now I wouldn't need to see him for well over two months now. Good riddance!

For now, I better head back an- Who would grip my hand?

I looked down to see her round blue eyes staring up at me. Since when- I don't remember bringing the brat along with me.

Squeezing my hand as if in comfort. Pah! Brilliant, even toddlers feel the need to sympathise me!


A wretched existence that's like a cpnstant spit of mockery by fate itself. Oh, how I loathe you brat.

"Why don't we drop you off at your home?"

The brat suddenly jumped on me, holding me down from my arms. What the-

"You wouldn't do that! Oh, please! Anywhere but there!" She hid her face in my shirt.


Shoving her away from me, I hid my face in my hands. Why the fuck do you need to trail me? Why me?

"I refuse to babysit a teenager any longer. Get lost!" I exclaimed in exasperation, pointing a finger for an indication to leave.

I had enough of being a generous patron to this brat's demise.

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