Chapter 4

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 Ahh,  not again.

With each passing day, the same just crept into my dreams. The convulsions of today are simply indescribable. This was a first; to experience some physical after effects of the dream.

Damn! Just what I needed. As if what I have to bear with wasn't enough, Providence decided to throw this to complement my wreckage.

Blasted dreams! What the hell do they even mean? I don't even remember what I dreamt. It had managed to create for itself a space in my daily routine. Except this time it reduced me to a shivering, soaking sweat bag.

Just another way of Providence to make fun of me and tease me endlessly. The nerve!

And where have I-?

Oh, I remember.

I'm at Charles place. And it is raining. Meaning movement will be harder than yesterday.

Dash it all!

No matter how much I exert myself to get up, I feel like my muscles were crying for mercy. Bodily exhaustion won over.

The sound of the rain pattering on the outside pavements filled my head. The splashing of pedestrains and the pelting of rain on the rooftop was distinctly audible. Various other sounds rushed into my head. I silently listened to these sounds without any thought.

Finally, I managed to haul myself up and walk to the window.

I sat up and observed the life outside these walls. Look at them all go! Oh, look at that pedestrain isn't he just an idiot! Just got lucky by a metre or he'd be laying dumb under that bus!


After work, I left for seeing the root of my friend's dissolution. The place where it all began. A place of new beginnings had in fact dissolved to bring ruination to my poor friend.

Basil won't be able to live here anymore even though this little quaint apartment of his held so many cherished memories. Such merriment and bliss effused from its cracked walls and worn out doors. I can still vividly imagine it all. The former glory that little apartment held was distinct in its own regard. It held an aura of grandeur that I'm sure very few were aware of. Only the little company consisted of us were aware of such splendour that was masked by the ordinariness of reality.

The fantasy's fantastic realization is all thanks to the people within, they being solely responsible for making such a space so... homely.

Those memories are now blotted out by a singularly damning incident. I confess for using such a harsh word for the predicament but it has cost him more than we both know. Not only his lively hood but also his own self. Just where had the previous him been shed away? Had it died along with her?

Even the mere air around his person is different.

Processing such thoughts, I finally reached his apartment.

It seems the search was still on. Various signs and peripherals of the police were strapped hitherto around the apartment's vicinity. Though the inside seemed calm with no one inside it, there stood a police officer standing with a puffed up chest signifying that he was efficiently on gaurd.

Eloquent persuasions was second nature to me. With exquisite fleeting words and a swift wave of the hand it worked wonders. Plus my current position in society served to exploit this trait of mine. That being a Lawyer and one quite well positioned in his life.

Hence I was given access to the place with considerable ease.

I entered and instantly felt the insipid air. A certain quality of death hung in the space even though alot of time has passed. Everything was in utter disarray. The litter of decor were not random. Their position held some meaning and I presume that's why they have been preserved that way since they were discovered.

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