Disaster Meeting

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Trina POV

In Chicago

I finally came to Chicago to talk to Rahiem about where our son was, and of course Trey and Nevaeh decided to come along while everyone else went to Virginia with Trey's mom. This morning I got up early and got dressed to meet Rahiem at a small breakfast diner so we can talk. As I was about to leave I went over to the bed and gave Nevaeh and Trey a kiss since they both were still asleep, then grabbed my keys and left the hotel room.

At Breakfast Diner

I entered the diner and immediately spotted Rahiem in a booth is the far corner on his phone. I guess he heard my heels clicking against the floor because he looked up at me as I was walking over. He stood up and we gave each other a nice friendly hug then sat down.

Rahiem- Hey how you been?

Me- I've been good , how about you?

Rahiem- I been straight, working on my music, living life

Me- That's good..

Rahiem- Yea, so you wanted to talk about RJ right?

Me- Yea , so-(gco)

Rahiem- I got ahold of the lil nigga , turn around

I looked at him confused then I turned around in my seat and saw a very tall boy walking towards us. I'm guessing it was him, omg he's gotten so big.

Rj- Aye! Yo damn pops you know Trina?! She baaaddd yo

Rahiem- Aye! Watch yo damn mouth boy! Shut up and sit down

He sat down next to Rahiem and he kept looking at me.

Rahiem- Now RJ this is your mother , your real mother

His eyes got big fast but then it turned to this lil angry look.

Rj- Pops stop lying man, my mumma ain't give a shit about me and  gave me up for adoption and she lives in Puerto Rico I heard

Rahiem- If I gotta tell yo 13 year old ass to watch yo mouth again boy! And yes she is YOUR mother and I am YOUR father we are your REAL parents

RJ- Okay... Then ma why you give me away

Me- I was your age when I got pregnant with you , my mother made me do it I'm sorry I didn't have a choice, if I did I would've kept you no matter how young I was, I'm so sorry I didn't have a choice


He got up and stormed out the diner.

Rahiem- Oh hell no! This lil boy done lost his goddamn mind

He was about to get up and go after him but I stopped him.

Me- No Rah I understand he's angry, just give him some time, maybe we can try and do this again some other time

Rahiem- Yea alright, but I'm getting his little ass when we get back to my house

Me- Well I should get going, I left when Trey was asleep and I didn't tell him where I was going

Rahiem- Oh okay, well just hit me up before you leave

Me- Okay

We stood up and have each other another bug before going our separate ways. This meeting was a disaster, I do not know how I'm going to deal with this boy.

You Vs. Them *Book 6 Ups & Downs (Trey Songz Story) Series*Where stories live. Discover now