Fucking Up...Bad!

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Nurse- Yes I've contacted your doctor and your appointment is scheduled two weeks from now have a nice day and remember take it easy...Oh! And here are some vitamins you need to take

Me- Okay

I think walked out and then I bumped into someone.

Me- I'm so sorry

I then looked up and saw Trey!

Me- Trey?!!?!


Trina POV

Me- Trey?!!?!

Trey- Trina baby are you okay Joseline called me and told me she brought you here

I was still shocked.

Me- How did you get here so fast???

Trey- I've actually been here since about 4 this morning , I flew from Miami all the way back to Puerto Rico and saw that you wasn't home so I figured you'd be here so I flew out , but enough of that are you okay?

Me- Where's Iesha and Kayden

Trey- They're back in Miami we agreed that I'd get Kayden in two weeks for 1 week , now can you stop ignoring my question and answer it

Me- Yes Tremaine I am fine , you can go back to Puerto Rico or Miami or wherever you're gonna go

Trey- I'm not going anywhere and if you're fine why are you here

Me- I don't feel like talking about it

I said trying to walk past him but he grabbed my wrist.

Trey- Babe please talk to me and tell me what's going on

Me- I just want to get back to my hotel room and lay down

Trey- Well you're riding with me because I told Joseline she could leave
Me- I'd rather walk

Trey- Come get cho stubborn ass in the car , and you're gonna tell me what's going on or else I won't stop at your hotel , I got a car full of gas I'll drive around all day

I rolled my eyes and walked out to his car and got in then slammed the door hard.

Trey- Slam it again , see what happen

I was about to reopen it and slam it again but he spoke.

Trey- Don't yo hard headed ass even do it

I didn't even say nothing , even though I wanted to cuss his ass out , I just sighed and sat back in my seat then he drove off.

Trey- What hotel are you staying in

Me- Four Seasons

The drive was quiet then I started thinking about what the nurse said about me may not being able to carry my baby full term, then I started crying. Trey noticed and had a worried look on his face then he pulled over into a empty parking lot.

Trey- Babe what's wrong please tell me I'm trying to be here for you I want to be here for you

Me- I-I'm pregnant

His eyes grew big.

Trey- I thought your tubes were tied

Me- They said it failed , she said I may not be able to have this baby because of my previous abortions and miscarriages

I then just broke down. He took off his seat belt and turned more towards me, he then grabbed me and held me tight.

Trey- Ssshhh baby we're gonna get through this together I'm here for you everything's gonna be okay

Me- I'm so scared

Trey- I know baby I know just be strong and stop stressing yourself okay?

I just nodded and kept my head buried in his chest.

Trey POV

As I was still comforting Trina my phone vibrated and I checked it and it was a text from Iesha. Damn!!

Iesha- Did you seriously leave me here at this damn clinic!!? You're an asshole! And by the way I'm 2 weeks baby

Damn! Damn! Damn! This shit can't be real man! I'm fucking up...Bad!

You Vs. Them *Book 6 Ups & Downs (Trey Songz Story) Series*Where stories live. Discover now