Accident pt.2

410 28 11

A Few Hours Later

Trina POV

Well I'm okay I just had a few scratches but Trey isn't doing too good. All of this is my fault I should've stayed in the office, I shouldn't have been arguing with him while he was driving everything is my fault! What if he doesn't make it!!! If he dies I swear I won't be able to live.

Everyone is now in the waiting room waiting on an update on Trey's condition. I really love him I just want him to be okay, I didn't mean for this to happen. Its just so fucked up because the last thing I said to him was "I hate you" I was just speaking out of anger, I don't hate that man as much as I want to I can't hate him, there's just something that won't let me.

Here I am just sitting away from everyone crying my eyes out.

Ms.April- Trina honey you have to stop crying, you have to be strong for your children and most importantly Tremaine he wouldn't want you in here crying like this, he's gonna be okay, but when he wakes up and gets out of here y'all gotta get it together this can't continue its not good

Me- *sniffles* I want to marry him

Ms.April- What?

Me- When he gets out I want to marry him, I really love him, I want us to get married and move our family I don't wanna be in Puerto Rico anymore, I've been looking at this house in Hollywood and it would be perfect for us plus there's enough room so Trey can get Kayden from you and she can live with us

Ms.April- Are you sure sweetie, this is what you really want?

Me- Yes I'm positive

Ms.April- Well that's excellent now Tremaine can come get his child my time for raising children are over

Me- *giggles* Yea well hopefully if Trey gets out of here soon you won't have her long

We started talking more, then the doctor came out and everyone stood up while Ms.April and I walked over to him.

Ms.April- Is my son ok? Where is he? We need to see him.

Doctor- Mr. Neverson is stable, we were able to stop the bleeding, but he's now in a coma and he's been having small seizures so we have to keep a close eye on him, he may be in a coma for the next few hours, days, weeks, months, years, but it also come to the point where you would have to make the decision on whether to pull the plug or not, you can go see him but just to be safe because of his condition I suggest you go one at a time

Ms.April- *sighs* Okay Trina do you wanna go fir-(gco)

Me- No!, I wanna go last

Ms.April- Are you sure

Me- Yea I'm sure, you guys can go first I wanna be with him last

Ms.April- Okay...are you staying over night with him

Me- Yea

Ms.April- Alright, well I guess I'll go first

She walked off to his room while I went back and sat down. Nevaeh then walked up to me rubbing her eyes.

Nevaeh- Mommy I want my daddy, where's my daddy

Me- Baby daddy's sleeping okay?

Nevaeh- Him need to wake up I miss my daddy

Me- How about when he wakes up I'll let you know

Nevaeh- Okay mommy...mommy me sleepy

Me- Come here baby girl

I put her in my lap and cradled her in my arms rocking her back and forth.

45 Minutes Later

Everyone else was done visiting Trey and was about to leave now its my turn.

Ms.April- Trina sweetie we all are gonna head home and I'll take the kids with me, I'll be back in the morning

Me- Okay

Forrest came and grabbed Nevaeh, who was now asleep, out of my arms.

Forrest- I'll see you later sis, be strong for my bro

Me- Okay

I said standing up and walking down the hall towards his room. I saw him hooked up to all these machines with a neck brace, tears began streaming down my face. I was speechless, I didn't know what to say, all I could say was "I'm sorry" and "I love you". I kissed him on the cheek then went over to the couch and grabbed a blanket and laid down. I just didn't know what to say other than "I'm sorry" all of this is my fault.

You Vs. Them *Book 6 Ups & Downs (Trey Songz Story) Series*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα