Author's Note

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To my dearest readers:

Hello everyone. Thank you  very much for reading my story HAYTMS (Hindi ako yung tipong magpapa-cute sayo) so far. ^^  I'm really sorry for disappearing without any notice. I've been too busy with things. Hehe. Whoa, it's been 3 years already. I'm really sorry everyone.I do hope you keep on reading this. 

For those who keeps on asking me if I'm gonna drop this, good news. I'm not. (*^U^*) I'm too embarassed to drop it when you're so eager on asking me that. Really. Thank you very very much.

Though I am not that good of a writer, I really love to write so.. I'm too overwhelmed with you reading my stories. Thank you for those who followed me, who will follow me in the future, for those who read this and put it to their reading lists, thank you very much.

This Humble Soul really appreciates you from the bottom of my heart. Please look forward to chapter 25.. ;)

Love lots <3


Hindi ako yung tipong magpapa-cute sayo [Ongoing...]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon