Girls Day

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Klaus's POV

I asked my father to live with me, he is been always here for me and try to comfort me. Caroline brought him back and just because of that I think I need to give a chance to get to know him... Ansel was always telling me to have hope, but it was difficult. At least we could see them in the videos. It was 10 pm and I was drinking my bourbon when Ansel asked us to meet in the living room because apparently they made more videos.

We start with the first one that it was in the morning.

"Hello everyone! Kol just explain me how you guys can see what we recorded, so we are going to try to record almost everything." Caroline said with a brave smile. "Klaus I just met yesterday your daughter and I already love her... She is so cute!" I can't believe that she loves my daughter, I thought that she would not like her because her mother is Haley "I am trying to make Hope feeling a little happy by playing games and stuff like that. Last night we played monopoly, she won and Kol gave up because it was losing, you should see him." Caroline sais and the only think I could think was how can someone be so wonderful "I wanted to tell you that, I am very proud of you and you make a wonderful work with Hope. Please don't lose hope, we are going to get out of here eventually..." She said with a weak smile. "Okay... We are now prepare things to play questions if we answer wrong 3 times we lose."

The camera was now showing my beautiful daughter. "Hey daddy! By the way, tell aunt Rebekah that I miss her, and Kol says that miss her discussions with her... Oh, and Caroline says that she misses shopping with her." Hope said laughing and we all laugh, I saw Rebekah fighting her tears.

"Okay let's start playing !" Caroline said and posed the camera but let recorded making us see their game and times where Kol start to sing along with Caroline, that made my beautiful daughter cry.

After the game Kol went to a room alone so anyone could hear what he was going to say.

"Hey guys! Caroline and I are trying our best to make Hope not feeling afraid or something like that. But we are not sure what is going to happen. Caroline is trying to optimist and she just in a few hours start to get attached with Hope, but we don't know what is going to happen. We didn't tell you guys before but last night, Mikael appeared and stabbed me with a stake, I had lucky that Caroline was coming along with Hope and took the stake out of me. She is studying medicine so she could helped me, now, thanks to her all I have is a scar... You know how to pick them Nik!" He said making me smile but then vanished because I was worried about my baby girl. "We need to find a way to get out of here, if you guys find it, please do something..."

It ended that video and then it appeared other it was Caroline and Hope seating in my bed, Hope was braiding Caroline's hair when the video started.

"Hey Kol!" They both said at the same time.

"Daddy look! I am the one who's braiding Caroline's hair." Hope said excited making me smile.

"And thanks to your daughter, my hair looks perfect!" Caroline said smiling and out of the blue Hope hugged her, at first I saw Caroline surprised and then she hugged my daughter back.

"Daddy when we get back we need to have dinner with her. She is awesome!"

"Says the Queen of Awesomeness..." Caroline said smiling.

"So... How you can see they are doing girly stuff, the only person who is missing here is Bekah so this could be even worse." Kol said making us laugh and Rebekah just rolled her eyes and put the camera in a place where we could see all of them.

"Uh! I got an idea." Caroline said with a malicious smile.

"What is it?" Hope asked curious.

"What do you think about putting makeup in Kol?" Caroline asked with an evil smirk.

"No. No makeup on my beautiful face. NO! No way!" Kol said and in a blink he was seating in a chair with adhesive tape.

"Hope you stay here and I am bringing the makeup..." Caroline said smirking and vanished.

"Hope, you know how much I like you... Please don't do this to me." Kol begged.

"Don't be like that..." Hope said smirking.

"I am here with the makeup..." Caroline say then they start to put the makeup and when they were done we saw him with some shadows in his eyes and lipstick but was all too exaggerated with make all of us laugh.

"Daddy did you like my piece of art?" Hope asked smirking.

"I think your father loved it..." Caroline said trying to stop laughing and Kol stay there serious.

"Whatever." Kol said

"Well, daddy we are staying out of battery so I just want to say that I am anxious to see you again, I miss you and I love you." Hope said and a tear fall from my eye, Ansel just put his hand on my shoulder and I smiled to him.

At least I knew that Hope was with people I trusted and I saw that Caroline was doing everything to make her happy...

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