Chapter 16

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*Calum's Point of View*

I woke up this morning in Ashton's arms. This is the way I hope to wake up for the rest of my life. He has his one arm around my waist so that I'm so closely pulled next to him that there is no room to move. The other arm was under my neck supporting my head, his hand intertwined with my long curly locks that I've been meaning to cut. Now his legs are all tangled with mine. He is such a cuddler I could scream. I love this boy so fúcking much man. It hurts me how much I love him.

After adjusting myself to get more comfortable in Ashton's arms I hear him groan. After a few seconds of groaning he removes his arms from me and rolls over onto his stomach, his face digging deep in his pillow. "Good morning Calum," he groans from within his pillow. I smile at my older boyfriend and turn my body so I facing the boy. "And Happy Birthday babe." Ashton says picking up his face from his pillow and turning to me and kissing me, before falling back down into his pillow and groaning.

After a half hour of Ashton groaning into is pillow he finally decided to get up, but he insisted that I stay in bed. Which I actually do not enjoy. I like being up and about when I'm awake, I can never just stay in one place. But for Ashton I guess I will try. When Ashton gets up he lazily walks over to his walk-in closet and just throws on a button up flannel, but he doesn't button it up leaving his nude chest, that are finally growing out some hairs, exposed. He then walks over to his dresser and pulls out a pair of his typical skin tight black jeans. After a good 10 minutes of him struggling to put them on he says he will be right back.

Ashton was only gone for about 15 minutes before arriving back into the bedroom. But there was something in his hands. It is a bowl with a spoon inside of it. "I made you breakfast in bed!" Ashton says egarly. Then I notice he buttoned up his flannel, he must have done that in the kitchen. "Bon appetit!" Ashton says handing me the bowl. When I look inside it I release it's just cereal. It took him 15 minutes to make cereal. "I picked Cinnamon Toast Crunch because it's your favorite!" Ashton explains proudly.

I blankly stare at the boy before speaking. "I have a couple things to say," I start off. "1. it took you 15 minutes to make cereal?" I ask, the confusion very high in my voice. "2. I actually like Fruit Loops.." I say awkwardly scratching the back of my head. "But thank you for the breakfast babe, I love you." I say before sitting up and kissing my boyfriend.

Ashton pulls away from the kiss smiling. "Now I have a few things to say." Ashton says putting on a forced grumpy face and crossing his arms jokingly. "1. I could've sworn you said you liked Cinnamon Toast Crunch," I just shake my head, causing Ashton to sigh in defeat. "2. I love you too sweat pea." He smiles at me while saying this. "And last but not least! Who wants their birthday present!?" He says with so much excitement in his voice. Now me, being the child I am, just raise my eyebrows and just go 'me, me, me, me, me' multiple times, until Ashton brings out another black velvet box. This time it can't be a ring, it is way to big to be a ring box.

Ashton hands me the box after I place my bowl of cereal on the night stand next to me. "Thank you Ashton." I say taking the box and preparing myself to open it. He walks around the other side of his Queen Sized Bed and sat down on the bed criss cross applesauce like a child, causing me to smile. I think he is more excited for my birthday than I am. I lean over and kiss Ashton before I take a deep breath and open the velvet box. When I open it I am pleasantly surprised. Inside the box is a silver chain necklace with a dog tag attached to it. I smile at Ashton before kissing him again. "Thank you so much babe." I say picking up the dog tag to read what it has engraved on it.

It reads 'VI-IX-MMXV' which Ashton tells me that that means September 6th, 2015, which is the date we met. I smile when he tells me what the date means. "I thought you would like it babe." Ashton says leaning over and kissing me. "And you know what's great?" He whispers pulling away from our kiss but pushing our foreheads together. I shake my head telling him I didn't. "You get another present," he says smirking causing me to smile. "Birthday sex."

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