Chapter 6

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*Calum's Point of View*

I got downstairs and realized something, Ashton is my ride to school. Fúck. I patiently waited until Ashton opened his apartment building door and walking out. His hazel eyes wided when they saw me.

"What are you still doing here?" Ashton asks looking around curiously. "Shouldn't you be at school? Or at home or something." He says walking to his car, I follow him, since he is my ride.

"See like you're my ride, remember?" I say scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. He was walking decently fast so it took a lot to walk after him. "Ashton can we please talk." I ask him once we get to his car.

"Sure. Let's talk." He says opening the drivers door and sitting down. "Why did you storm out of my apartment." He asks. This is a valid question. I don't even know. I wanted that, I wanted to kiss, or to make out, with Ashton. But for some stupid reason that I didn't even have I pulled away and left him.

"I..." I say already stuttering. "I-I honestly don't k-know." I don't know why I left him, I just felt like I had to..and I don't know why. Earlier I felt like having hella good séx with him but when he moved into me and started kissing me, I had to get out of there. "But I am sorry Ashton."

"I just don't understand, we were getting along so well, and you kissed me back, but then you moved your head. I just don't get it." He says starting the car and beginning to drive out of his apartment complex. "You were the one who said we should sleep in the same bed together, sure I may have invited you into my house but you didn't deny it." He says, non of it being true. I did basically initiate everything that happened.

"Ashton I'm really sorry." I apologize for like the one hundredth time. Awkward silence fell upon us which only made me feel worse. I could tell we were getting closer to school, things that I remember being near the school starting appearing. "Ashton pull over."


"Ashton stop the car." I demand. Ashton does as I told him. Luckily it is still early so no one is on the road yet so we have the road to ourselves. I unbuckle my seatbelt. "Okay Ashton," I say adjusting myself to face him. He does the same. I pick up my hands and cup his cheeks pulling him closer to me. I smash my lips to his moving perfectly in sync with his. I pull them away and sit back in my seat. "Start the car again." I tell him pulling the seat belt back around my body.

"Uh-" he stutters clearly in shock of what just happened. "Okay." He then starts the car again and begins to drive again.

About 5 minutes later Ashton pulls over again and tells me to get out. "What?" I ask him confused about what he just said. Like I just made out with him and now he is kicking me out of his car? What the fúck? "Why?"

"Because we can't arrive at school in the same car," he explains himself. "It's against school policies." He says pouting clearly not wanting to kick me out of his car but he has to.

I look at him with a pouty face before unbuckling my seat belt and leaning in and kissing his soft lips. I pull away after a few seconds and leave his car. Almost immediately after I shut his door Ashton zooms off to school leaving me to walk the 10 minute walk it is gonna take me to get to school.


I enter the building meeting eyes with Michael almost immediately. He then runs over to me and hugs me. "Yo I was beginning to think you weren't coming today!" He says. I mean I know I was late because of Ashton but I didn't think I was that late.

I pull out my phone to see that I was only a couple minutes late and that Michael is just being a nervous Nancy. Ew who says that anymore.

"Well Michael since I'm sooooo late," I say laughing. "I gotta get to class." I say beginning to walk away. I turn to face him before he is completely out of view. "I'll text you though." I yell at him before making my way to first period.

I enter the class barely being late and the whole class gives me the "oh shít you're late and gonna get detention again face." And to no avail,

"Mr.Hood late again?" Ashton says. This irritates me. Like 15 minutes ago we had each other's tongues down each other's throats and now he is scolding me for being late to his class, and he is the reason I'm late. "I hope you know this means a full hour detention for you Mr.Hood."

I look at him with pure disgust and anger and nod my head. "Yes Mr.Irwin." I spit. "During lunch or after school?" I ask before going to get my bass.

"After school." He says nonchalantly, then going back to teaching the class.


The class ended thankfully, Ashton throughout the entire class period pointed everything out I did wrong and I was getting real done with him.

Like one part of me wants to beat him senseless for kissing me and then just treating me like I'm just a piece of áss. But another part of me wants to fúck him senseless because he is so god damn attractive, like hot damn.

Ashton opened the door for the class until he got to me. "Calum," the way he said my name, it wasn't like he said before, it is so stern and teacher like. "I need to talk to you can you wait a minute after class please?" He asks, but I can clearly hear in his voice that it is a demand not a question. I nod and move to the side and stand beside him.

After everyone left Ashton closed the door. I began to walk back towards the classroom but I was stopped by a force of body pushing me against the wall. My lips were met by another pair of lips. Ashton's, Ashton's soft, plump, pink lips crashed into mine. "Oh I've wanted to do that all period." He says pulling away ever so slightly where I could still feel his breath on my lips. "I just took all this tension and focused it on how you're awful," he says before crashing our lips together once again, this time having me moving in sync. "but you're so fúcking hot I can't." He says.

After about 10 minutes of a hot make out session Ashton pulled away. "Okay you need to get to you're next class," he says breathing heavy. "We'll finish where we left off after school." He says smirking at me. I smile at him before picking up my bag that I dropped during the make out session and walked towards the door, but once again I body pushed me into the door. Ashton then bit my neck in a seductive way. "Remember we have an hour after school together today." He says before opening the door for me and squeezing my áss and letting me leave.

Oh god what have I got myself into..



But yes next chapter we will have


so yea look forward to that,

Also you might have noticed I took out the Muke part of the title.

That's because idk if I'm gonna put a lot of Muke in here, it might be here and there so yea look out for that.

I might change it back to Muke, all depends on how I feel.

guys if you wanna watch some 5sos edits I have a vine account where I make some..not v good but they're okay. And i also revine some nice ones so go follow me on there : whoa calum

But yea...

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